"NO PLEASE, DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK IN THERE!" she cried, trying to pull her arm out of his grip so hard until she was on the floor, trying with everything in her to free herself from him.

"Mr. Malfoy, the potion" McGonagall said.

Draco reached into his pocket and pulled out the potion to put her to sleep. "Ginny, you need to take this, it will help you calm down." he said in a sad tone as his emotions started rising at seeing the state she was in.

"NO, DRACO PLEASE! LISTEN TO ME! IT'S ME GINNY I PROMISE PLEASE DON'T PUT ME BACK IN THERE PLEASE!" she screamed at him, her tears streaming effortlessly down her pale cheeks.

He hung his head and tightly squeezed his eyes to hide the tears that threatened to fall and then he looked back up at her. "Gin-"

He was cut off when she was suddenly ripped from his arms by her ankle; her head slamming against the floor and her body being dragged back into the room. Draco's instincts had him leap forward and grab her hand to try and pull her back. His eyes grew wide when he was met with what was on the other end of this tug of war over Ginny. It just looked like a cloud of black smoke that wrapped itself around one of Ginny's legs and started circling her body. Harry went to go grab Ginny's other hand, when one hard tug made Ginny's hand slip through Draco's grasp and pulled her into the hovering darkness that filled the bedroom. The vials in Draco's hand suddenly busted into pieces, making him give a small growl of pain as pieces of glass cut his hand. The bedroom door suddenly slammed shut and he ignored the pain in his hand and ran to it and tried opening it with every spell he could think of, but he was having no luck.

Inside the room, Ginny could feel this........ thing grabbing at her clothes, touching her body and she felt her lungs filling with the thick smoke that surrounded her. She tried screaming out as she heard the banging on the bedroom door, but she couldn't collect a big enough breath for any sound to come out. She managed to ignite a spark of her powers hoping that it would scare this entity away, but instead it suffocated any power she tried to conjure up.

Draco was slamming his body as hard as he could against the door to open it when he suddenly saw Bill beside him bring his foot up in a barbaric gesture and kicked it roughly. On the third attempt along with Draco's body slamming against it, the door busted open making Draco loose his footing and almost topple to the floor.

He went to run to Ginny, but stopped when he saw her body lift off the floor; this darkness surrounding her like  black flames. He could barely make out her red hair and was only able to watch helplessly as this evilness entered her body. He heard her screaming through it all and knew she was suffering; his eyes on the verge of tears now. His powers were useless against her right now and with a sad face he turned to Harry.

"Take her out." he choked out.

Harry looked at him for a moment; he knew exactly what Draco wanted him to do and he shook his head for a moment. McGonagall placed a gentle hand on Harry's shoulder and gave him a small nod that she agreed with Draco and Harry then let out a sigh and turned to the rest of them.

"Put up a Protego charm to protect yourselves." he said, locking eyes with Luna for a moment who gave him a small sad smile.

Harry took a few deep breaths and focused on Ginny's screams from the bedroom which he used to get in the right state of mind. He looked at her face  that was stained with tears and contorted into a look of unbearable pain. He put his hands out and opened his palms and allowed his powers to take over; he closed his eyes and let a surge of energy run through him. It wasn't long after, that the lights in the house started flickering and then went out altogether and Draco could feel the hairs on his arms stand up. Harry opened his eyes and they changed to an electrical gold and soon he was surrounded by electrical waves and hesitantly placed his hand on the floor. The wave of electricity slithered across the floor and stopped right under Ginny and then flew up and hit her with an electrical bolt. She threw her head back in pain and let out a heartbreaking scream; her body twitching and convulsing from the electrifying waves that ran through her body. Soon all the black smoke faded into her body and she fell to the floor unconscious;  making Harry pull his powers back. He fell to his knees on the floor in a mixture of weakness from the use of them and from what he had to do to Ginny.  Draco didn't waste any time running to her side and picking her limp body up in his arms.

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