nurse's office/chp. 18\

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Tw: talks of blood and injuries and violence
                            (Shino pov)

"And you should be good, just make sure to change the bandages when need be" Venus said

"Thank you Venus" I said

"It's not a problem" they said

"How many people do you think will want to sign my cast" Shizu laughed nervously trying to lighten the mood

"God that will be annoying" said Iris

"Uh- yeah" Rikku kept moving around trying to see Artemis

They put in a curtain when they started to help arty and we didn't really need one, our cuts weren't too bad or just need to be stitched up but the others just turned away so we didn't bother Venus

"Artemis must have been messed up badly' Iris says

"I mean yeah, he was stabbed in the stomach, the eye, the back he took a lot of our injuries" I stated

"True... Wish I could say thank you" Rikku says in a sad tone

"You will when he wakes up" Clover says to Rikku to comfort him

"If he lives" Rikku whispers to herself

Shizu now had a sad look on their face "hun, if something like that did happen we would have been told already"

"The curtain is still up so we don't know if they are done!" Rikku protests

"He is fine, Venus is just cleaning up and doesn't want you to see the blood" Ronin walked over "why do you think at first you all had curtains, it was just in case there was a lot of blood"

"So can we go talk to him?" Shizu asked, their eyes becoming positive

"Not yet, Venus wants to watch over him first before having visitors and plus he wouldn't be able to speak anyways" Ronin said

"What do you mean?" Clover asked

Ronin sighed "he's in stable condition but he isn't waking up, we don fully know when he will just that it won't be soon"

"He's in a coma!?" I panicked

"In a way, but he's fine" ronin says "Venus just needs today and some of tomorrow to watch over him due to the deep cuts and changing his bandages etc"

"So when could we see him?" Rikku asked

"More likely the afternoon or late afternoon of tomorrow" Ronin said "maybe even another day but that's kinda a stretch"

"Why not tomorrow morning?" Clover asked

"It's going to be morning soon" Ronin says to Clover

"So afternoon or the next day" Iris notes

"Yeah, when you come in tomorrow Venus will have more answers, but I don't know if you will see him or not" Ronin explained

Venus walked over to us "you guys can head to your dorms, just make sure to not over do anything to open scars"

"How is Artemis like with injuries?" Shizu asked

"I'll let you know tomorrow, just get rest and focus on yourself, yes your friend is Badly hurt but you are hurt as well" Venus said "the most I will say his he had similar injuries to you just more extreme"

"Okay" I got up

Shizu got up and Clover grabbed Iris' crutches and gave them to them and Rikku also stood

"I'll be going back with you guys to watch over you, in the morning I will speak to you about what happened and same goes with Artemis when he awakes" Ronin says

"Lets all just go to your dorm" Clover said to me

"I was goning to offer that we all stay at one dorm anyways" I laughed

All of us walked downstairs and left the nurse's office and headed back to mine and Rikku's dorm

Rikku and Shizu were going to sleep in Rikku's room, Clover and Iris got the coach and I'm sleeping in my room

Ronin left a bit after we settled in, guessing he went back to see Artemis or to his classroom

Author's note: I got bored and started to work and give you the chapter now instead of waiting XD

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