training /chp.15\

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                            (Ronin pov)

"It's getting late, you two" I said to Davis and Artemis who were training

"I didn't even notice" Artemis looked up at the sky

"We didn't mean for it to go on for long" Davis said

"That's fine, though how are the two of you doing?" I asked

"I mean, I'm doing fine, though things have been crazy" Artemis laughed "lots of stories to tell the kids once I'm back at the orphanage"

"Yeah, though you may have to c-change things up" Davis said

"Trust me I know, I will just give them the short story" Artemis says

"Things have been crazy, love, metica going missing, vigilantes" I started to list stuff off

"Vigilantes?" Artemis asked

"Yeah, just that there are a lot more now' I said

"Yeah there has been a lot going on during the night" Davis said

"I could tell" Artemis says

"You could see it yeah" I say

"I guess?" Artemis was confused

"You guess should change out of the outfits and head back to the dorms" I say getting up from sitting at the fountain

"Right, come on Davis" Artemis says, then the two leave the training area

I leave a bit after then and just do a small walk around the school

"Kiyo?" I see Kiyo just sitting at one of the tables outside

"Oh hey teach" says Kiyo

"Its late, you should be at the dorms" I state

"I know, just came out for some air, I'm not the only one who comes out here" he says getting up

"There are more kids around?" I sigh

"Maybe? I don't really look for them" he says and walks off

I walked around the school and found Iris, Jake, Yuki, and a few teachers


"Jake you should head to the dorms, it's late" I say

"O-oh right, sorry" he got up from the floor "just working on music" then he left


"Iris back to the dorms" I say to Iris "and get back to your normal size

They get back to their normal size and head off


"Out the library Yuki" I say walking in on her reading

She looked out the window "I didn't even realize, Sorry"

She packed her stuff and left


The teachers were fine, I don't rule over them but when I found the other students I had them go back to the dorms

I understand needing fresh air but every dorm had a balcony

There is one on the bottom floors which Iris can get to and one that is on the second floor which Jake and Kiyo can get to plus Yuki could have waited until the next day to go read

I question these kids sometimes.... Most of the time

I sigh and make my way back to my classroom to do some work, come up with things to teach and get ready for the next time I visit the Cafe club which I should do more as their supervisor

Once that is done I go and lay on my sleeping bag

vigilantes /Mho au\Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant