dorm search /Chp.14\

115 8 73

                            (Ronin pov)

Every few weeks we have to go though the dorms to make sure everything is safe etc, especially with that has happened recently

I am now down to my final dorms, I go into Blake's dorm, which she now has for herself, I look around, nothing was left behind from Kol or Flex, and her room was fine

I went though the rest of the dorms until my last one which was dorm #

I walked in, the main room seemed fine, the kitchen was cleaned, nothing wrong with the small living room

I went downstairs to check the two bedrooms which both were fine, nothing I couldn't see was wrong, bathroom fine, I went up stairs to check that bedroom, everything seemed fine, balcony their stuff then I saw something kinda poking out from under the bed

I grabbed it to see it was some mask... A mask I recognized


'seems like everything seems fine' I noted

I was jumping rooftop to rooftop making sure everything was fine and to look out for the villains

I jumped again and on the roof I landed on had someone up here

"Hello?" I called to them

They got up quickly and started to back away and run, of course I was faster and grabbed their arm

"What are you doing out here?" I asked and they didn't say anything

"Listen, you can't be out here and not on a roof!" I said while they tried to get their arm loose

"You're not doing anything are you?" I asked them, they shook their head no very fast

I looked to their pocket and grabbed something which was a flower "so your the one doing all of this

They looked down "I should take you, I don't think you have your hero license"

They started to try and pull away again in a panic

I sighed 'listen I'll let you go, but if I find you out here again I will take you in, got it?" I let go of them

They nodded and ran off


I heard the door open and put the mask back under the bed and walked to the balcony and jumped off 'when I see him again I will have to talk to him about this'

I walked back to the school and to my classroom 'if this kid had been doing this that means he wasn't on a walk when Davis ran into him.... He must have been going back from is 'work' so Davis also knows'

I laid down on my sleeping bag and went to bed to think this over, plus I was tired

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