his theory /chp.11\

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                              (Kol pov)

Just because the club is gone and I'm out of school doesn't mean I can't stop going out

I walked around seeing if anything was up like I always did

*Thud* I heard an odd sound and followed it to see someone leaving an alleyway with some rope. It was the same person me and Shino chased after.... It was the same person I heard the teachers talk about. They talked about how they gave them the proof

I ran across the street to get to them and pinned them to the wall, it was hard to see if they were shocked or not due to the mask, but that didn't matter

The only think I could think of to say was "you..."

The person then had a confused look on his mask

"I overheard you were the one that got me expelled, so what the hell was that about!'' I shouted but they stayed quiet

"You have to go to my school or something if you knew who to give it to" I said the person was stil silent but turned there head away from me then back

"You had to be in the club to know were the hid out was" I whispered and the person talk to their head in confuson

I laughed "I think I know who you are"

The peson now seemed to tense up at that sentence

I backed away "yeah I know who you are, wearing a different outfit to not let anyone know but I do"

The person slowly walked awau before running

'I would say that was Shino but Flex told me that he had gone back to the club to 'get his stuff and that is throat hurt' even though in class it was fine' I started to walk back home

When I made it back home, going through my window which led to my room

'I know damn well that it had to be Kiyo... Yeah he goes over to Shino's dorm a lot, knows about the club and was at the bank plus during the talk with the teachers he didn't seem to shook or scared'

I smiled 'I know who you are, how long until everyone else knows about you'

I turned off the lights, took off my coat and started to go to bed 'its not my problem to deal with now'

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