summer break/epilogue\

122 8 26

(Artemis pov)

"Make sure to not give miss rose a hard time, okay?" I said putting on my blue coat

"We know" said the kids

"I'll be back in an hour or two" I started to put my shoes on

"Have a good time" said one of the kids

"Thank you~" I said leaving the room

I made my way down the stairs and out the door, I looked up the directions to the mall and made my way there

"ARTY!!!" Yelled Rikku

I laughed "hello Rikku" I walked over to her

"Come on we all are in the cafe" she grabbed my hand

We made our way to the cafe in the mall

"Hey guys" I waved

We all sat down and talked for a bit

"O-oh right me and Kat have an announcement" Said Davis

"What's up?" Asked shino

"Me and Kat are going to be moving back with Betty and Harod" Davis says

"Oh" I said

"Y-yeah so we are going to be going to the airport tomorrow" Davis says

"Got everything packed already?" Yuki asked

"Yeah we have everything ready" Kat said

'Then let's make this the best day ever!" Rikku announced

Kay laughed "that sounds good"

"Is it alright for us to see you off at the airport?" Shizu asked

"I- uh sure" Davis says

"We'll make sure to do that then" I smiled

"Now, let's go shopping!" Rikku says

We all laugh then get up and throw away our drinks and food then head out into the mall

"How is it working with mania's dad?" I asked Shino while looking at the clothes

"You know how it's been, well it's not the same but is? It's nice" Shino says

I laughed "that's good"

"How are all the kids?" He asked

"They are a handful but I love them" I say

"Guys! Look at this poster!" Rikku ran into the store

"It's lovely Rikku" I say

"Thank you arty" Rikku says

"Its a cool poster" says Shino

We all go around checking out the stores before heading to the arcade

"GO DAVIS!" Yelled Kat

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