She walks over and sits next to me. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Yes...... Like I told you yesterday when you came to pick me up at Hunter's house. Craig has a problem with my attachment with Harper and he is jealous of Hunter, although I don't know why?" Liz raises her brow when I said that, but doesn't say a word. "If those were the only issues, I think we could work through it. But what I realized late last night as I was lying in bed, is that Harper and Hunter aren't the real issue."

"The problem is that Craig doesn't really like or want kids. I don't think he ever will. I, on the other hand, adore children and can't imagine my life without them. So that's the big issue and one I don't see us working through. I've been dating Craig for over 2 years hoping he might change, but he hasn't. It's just pointless for me to continue to waste any more of my time. Working for Hunter has shown me, that there are men out there that truly want kids, so why should I settle, when I know the only way I will be happy is if I am with a man that adores kids as much as me. Does that make any sense?"

"Yes Lid, it does. You are right both people in a marriage need to feel the same way about having children. If they don't then no one will be truly happy. I am sorry that you and Craig can't work this out, but I'm not surprised. I've suspected this was going to be an issue for you two, for quite awhile."

I am shocked. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you loved him. It was your choice. You had to figure what was more important to you. Craig or a family with kids; it looks like working for Hunter has helped you realize, it's children."

I start to cry. Elizabeth reaches over to hold me. I sob and I sob. I sob so hard that I can barely catch my breath. When there is not one more tear left to cry I sit up and wipe the few remaining tears from my face. We just sit there quietly, looking through the window at the neighbor's children playing tag. Eventually I break the silence. "Liz, do you think this is why god brought Harper into my life? So that I would realize that having a family is the most important thing to me?"

"I think that is part of his plan."

"What do you think the other part is?" I ask.

"I think you know what the other part is. I just don't think you are ready to admit it yet."

I am totally confused. "What do you mean?"

"Liddy, I love you but sometimes you can be so naïve. If you want me to spell it out for you I will. You and Hunter are starting to develop feelings for each other and I'm talking the romantic kind. That's why you were so hurt when he wouldn't share things with you from his past. You want him to realize you are special, someone he can trust. Someone he can love."

"NO, NO, NO! We are just friends, well actually not even that at the moment. Hunter is seeing someone as far as I know. Her name is Kelly."

"Is this the same girl that kissed Hunter so passionately in front of Harper, that you told me about?"

I look down at my hands. "Yes."

"How did you feel when you saw that? Be honest with me, but more importantly be honest with yourself."

Single Dad "Starting Over"(Hunter Hayes Fanfic)...CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now