You are in love

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Harry tells Y/N he is in love with her (smut, fluff) 

The last few months had gone by fast. Dating ‘Harry Styles’ felt like a dream, but there were rough times. Constant speculation and harassment from the press and paparazzi, and always having to find time for each other were just a few things that made the relationship hard.

The date had been planned for a week, you were so excited. A night just for the two of you. Harry didn’t tell you where he was taking you, he always kept it a surprise. As you fixed your hair in the mirror just before you left, the buttons on his coat brush against your bare back as he hugs you from behind. He holds you, and you both stand there gazing at each other in the mirror. “You look beautiful” he says kissing your neck. His lips brush the chain of the necklace of his which you wear all the time.

The two of you hadn’t been dating long but that didn’t change the way you felt. You felt a sense of belonging when you were in his arms. Your heart ached with adoration when you looked at him.
He felt it on the second date. He was sure he would have felt it on the first if he wasn’t so nervous. He wanted to make a good impression. Surely you were the one who should have been nervous, going on a date with a famous pop star probably should have caused your nerves to race. But you didn’t feel nervous, his presence calmed you.

As he pulled out your chair, he started to relive the nerves he felt on your first date. He makes a light-hearted joke to soften the mood. The conversation always flows naturally between you two. He thought you were so intelligent, punctual, and carried your conversations so well. This was one of the reasons he was infatuated with you. All the other people he had dated before never had this aura about them like you do. The company you shared was always meaningful. You didn’t even realize it was possible to date your best friend, because that’s what he was to you, your best friend.

The night slipped away quickly with deep conversations and flirtatious banter, which ended up him driving you home at just before midnight. When you get to his apartment, he offers to make a cup of coffee, you accept. As you sip the coffee you both sit in comfortable silence. You could feel it. You tell him you should get going, you didn’t live together yet but his apartment was like a second home.

“Stay,” he says taking your hands pulling you close. He kisses you gently but passionately. You run your fingers through his brown curls, you’re both breathing softly into each other. He lifts your left leg up so he can grind his hips closer to you. You can feel the bulge in his pants as it presses into you. You smirk bringing one hand down from being tangled in his hair so you can softly brush it against his pants. He places both his hands on the back of your thighs indicating for you to jump. He holds you strongly and begins walking to his bedroom. 

Your kisses get more heated, he lays you down on his bed, he quickly unbuttons his shirt and tosses it on the ground. You sit up slowly and run your hands over his chest, kissing as much of it as you can. He unzips your dress and slides it over your head, messing your hair a bit. You unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. He takes them off along with his boxers. He pushes you back so you’re lying on the bed with your legs up. He kisses along your thighs making his way to your lacy knickers. He pulls them off you. He stops and gives you the look, you nod at him biting your lip. 

He pushes into you and you let out a moan. “Harry” you say lustfully. He makes his actions slow. You bring your hands up to his hair again, and you pull at it. His face makes a slightly uncomfortable expression, as you pull it a little bit too hard. “Sorry” you say giggling, but immediately let out a loud long gasp as he begins to quicken his pace, digging deeper into you.

“S-soo good” he says between pants. You can tell he’s close. He rips your hands from his hair and pins them down to your sides, you love it when he’s dominant. The euphoric feeling is beginning to build in your body.

“H-harry, I-I’m close” you pant out. As you reach your high you moan “I’m cumming, oh Harry you feel sooo good” your words and moaning set him off, he thrusts into you a few more times so you both can finish your highs. He cums into you shooting out hot liquid. He stays in you while he leans down to give you a kiss.

He lays down next to you and you cuddle into his body, “That was amazing”

You lie awake on your side, unable to sleep from the coffee. Your eyes trace his arms, down to his fingertips. His chest rises and falls slowly. His eyelids then flicker slightly and his eyes open. He looks at you. You smile. “Hi,” you say softly. He breathes out slowly while smiling as he is still asleep slightly.

“Can’t sleep?” he says in a deep husky voice.

“Mmmh.” He starts rubbing your arm. He then pauses and a strange look overcomes his face. It was a familiar look, one he usually made before saying something meaningful.

As he looks deep into your eyes, he tells you “Y/N. You are my best friend” His eyes then slowly shut, he continues rubbing your arm slowly. You both felt it. You knew, he knew. He was in love.

The next morning you wake. As you get out of his bed, you pick up one of his soft shirts which was on the ground. You pull it over your head and smile to yourself as you look at him fast asleep. It was odd for you to be up before him, he's usually unintentionally banging things around in the kitchen before you’re awake.

A lazy Sunday called for hot tea and toast. You push the toaster down and filled up the kettle. You potter around his kitchen, despite knowing it quite well you couldn’t find any avocados. You go back to his room, resting against the door frame. “Any avos?” you ask. 

“Bottom of the fridge” he replies in a croaky voice. You smell the toast burning, and you run back to the kitchen. 

As you mash up the avocado Harry joins you. He gets two mugs and tea bags. As you spread the avocado on the toast he brings both mugs, now filled with steaming water, over to the table. The both of you sit and eat, while sipping the tea which is way too hot. “Thanks love, bit burnt though” he says laughing a bit. 

“Sorry, I blame your toaster!” you say defending yourself playfully.

He takes your hand and the both of you feel the electric buzz between your skin. Looking into his eyes, it’s like the world stopped. All your fears and problems seemed to whoosh away when you look at him. 

He always found it hard to express his feelings when it came to this kind of stuff. The lyrics in his music were always honest, but you noticed he struggled to open up. It was like he was more open with his instruments than he was with you. You didn’t mind though, you knew he would open up when the time was right. 

The day went on, and you both decided to go for a walk. As you stroll down the sidewalk hand in hand, you both have smiles on your face. When you stop at the crossing, he leans in to kiss you. Harry wasn’t much for PDA, but every now and again he couldn’t help himself.

It was rare for the two of you to have a moment in the day to do things like this, even when you both have some spare time, it’s usually spent indoors watching a movie, or cooking together. Taking a walk through the nearby park may seem normal for some, but with the possibility for paparazzi to bombard you at any moment, it was out of the norm for you.

As you come to a bench in the park, you both sit down. As you look around at the people walking dogs and children playing, he’s looking at you. “Y/N,” he says softly. You turn to look at him. “I know things have been moving quickly, and I don’t know how you feel, but I know. I feel it all the time, even when I’m not with you, all I do is think about you. It’s love, Y/N. I love you.” He speaks so quickly but slows to say the last the three words you felt too. You smile and take his hands. You squeeze them tightly. 

“Harry, I love you too.” He then embraces you, he pulls you so close, his grip so tight. When you pull away, you kiss for what feels like forever. 

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