The New Neighbor

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warnings: SMUT!!! 18+ only!!! dom! Niall, daddy kink (ofc), spanking, unprotected sex, slight degradation

Summary: You just moved into a new apartment. You become fast friends with your neighbors across the hall, but one day, things take a different turn.

Moving into a new apartment building was terrifying. It was your first place all on your own. You finally graduated college and moved to a new city for your first job. The rent on this place was relatively cheap, and it was a fairly nice place for the price. Sure, your air conditioning unit made some strange noises, but honestly, that was the only real problem. Your parents had helped you move in four days ago, but you were feeling a bit too anxious to try and meet any of your neighbors. After socializing all day at your new job with new people, coming home and meeting even more new people just seemed like a lot.

So, you were preparing for yet another night in. You had cooked some chicken tikka masala, one of your favorites, and had just sat down to dig in when you heard a knock at your door.
That was strange. You obviously weren’t expecting anyone, since you hadn’t really made any friends yet, and your family hadn’t sent you any packages or anything. You peeked through the peephole in your door and saw a young girl standing there with a small plate of something, you couldn’t quite tell what. You also saw a man standing behind her, but you couldn’t quite make out his features. Maybe they lived in the complex?

Cautiously, you opened the door. The first person you saw was the girl, who was clad in denim overalls with a pink striped shirt underneath. She looked no older than 5, with her light brown hair in twin braids tied up with pink ribbons and bright blue eyes. The plate in her hand was stacked with what looked to be chocolate cookies. Some of them were a bit lumpy, which you assumed were her creations, but some of them looked rather nice.

“Hi!” the girl chirped, pulling you from your stupor, “we’re your neighbors! I’m Mia, and this is my daddy, Niall!”
You looked up at Niall for the first time and almost audibly gasped. He was gorgeous! His dusty brown hair was slightly messed up, you assumed from the hat he held in his hand, and his eyes were as bright of a blue as his daughters. The purple t-shirt he was wearing was a bit on the tight side, allowing you to get a quick glance at his lean, yet muscular build. His smile was wide and welcoming as he gestured to the door across the hall.

“Yeah, we live in the apartment across the way! Saw you moving in and didn’t get a chance to introduce ourselves, so we figured that we’d come around! Hope we didn’t interrupt anything!” Niall explained.

You shook your head, “Oh no, you didn’t interrupt anything. I was just getting ready to have dinner.”

“Ooh, then you can have cookies for dessert! Daddy and I made them together!” Mia said, shoving the plate of cookies into your grasp. You almost dropped them from the vigor at which she handed you the plate, but you managed to save them.

“Honey, be gentle when you hand people things. You don’t want them to drop them,” Niall gently reminded his daughter.

“Oops, sorry!” the girl replied.

You chuckled, “It’s fine. They look delicious!”

“I hope you like them. We should get going now, though, don’t want to hold you back from your dinner. It was nice meeting you!” Niall said.

“It was nice meeting you, too!” you replied.

“Bye-bye…” the little girl trailed off, “oh wait! You didn’t say your name, silly!”

You laughed softly, “I’m Y/n.”

“Okay, bye-bye, Y/n!” Mia said with a wave as her and her father started to enter their apartment.

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