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Would love some eyes on these clips ;]


With the building shaking, and the cracks forming... I don't think anybody would consider this a relaxing break. In fact, I don't think we've ever been relaxed other than being on the road. I twist my hair, dripping out all the water. I was just glad to get all the blood and guts off of my face. Certainly, I smelt better.

Of course, we only spent about two minutes each in the room. I think with all the bombs, the infected couldn't really hear us in here. We'll take that as a win, not like we have many.

Coach was the last one, but I know that man is going to a deep scrub his clothes. That vomit was so gross, he needs it.

Sitting at the dinner table, we managed to find a bit of food in the refrigerator. Luckily, the power went out not even too long ago. So I was enjoying myself a bowl of Luke warm wet spaghetti. Honestly this is probably the best thing I've had in days.

Ellis ruffles up his hair, swishing the water out of it. He sets his cap on and looks into the hand mirror we pulled from the drawers. He opens his mouth and pick at his teeth. We've been feeling super grody and grimy these past few days. Ellis licks his teeth, handing me the mirror.

Looking into the reflection, it was like a new person looking back. So tired... and have my own share of scratches and bruises. I took a deep breath through my nose, and handed it to Rochelle who was patiently waiting for it. She grabs it and walks to the next room to start fixing her appearance.

Ellis sits down across from me, holding his own bowl of whoever's leftovers this was. Chicken and rice I think? Hard to tell with only the daylight shining through the boarded up windows.


"Jesus, they ain't never gonna stop are they?" Ellis asks quietly.

Poking into my spaghetti, it was concerning but maybe not as much as this bowl of potential food poison. I took a bite anyways. Ellis continued to look at me, with a tinge of sadness, I looked to him and felt worried. "What's wrong, Ellis?" I ask softly, reaching across the table and grabbing his hand.

Ellis shakes his head, gently rubbing his thumb on my wrist. "Nothing new..." He trailed off.

Nick walks back in, holding onto his can of soup. He finally cracked it open I see. "It's so goddamn depressing in here." He mutters, pulling out a lump of wet... something out of the can with his spoon. He looks out the window cracks, making a 'tch' noise and looking back to us. "You think they're gonna line us up and shoot us?" Nick asks.

"Nick!" Rochelle pops her head around the corner. "That's not what we should be thinking about!" She yells with a hush tone.

"We're all thinking it." He scoffs.

Ellis pulls away from my hand and leans back in his chair. "Naw Nick, that ain't right."

"While you guys want to live in fantasy land, we're just being realistic." Nick waves him off, turning to me to get my attention. "Say, Jo?" He starts, pointing his spoon at me. "What do you think will happen?"

I covered my face with one of my hands, trying to ignore the question. Let's just say LOTS of possibilities, only one of them good. For now, I think avoiding the question is the nicest thing I could do for Ellis. I know he's still on board with Coach for the EVAC. "I don't know, Nick. Maybe just let us build a community." I gave the one good thought in my head.

"Psshh," Nick responded. "Yeah right."

Rochelle steps back into the room, his hair nicely updo'd. "Guys, I'm not in the mood to get into conspiracy theories." She shoves the mirror into Nick's chest. "Seriously, we gotta stay positive."

Having enough, I gripped onto my utensil harder. "If we're going to the EVAC, then we'll find out then." I grumbled, my tone was worse then before.

"So now you're on their side? What happened to-"

"Nick," I cut him off, looking into my food to avoid eye contact. "We are going to the EVAC, whether we like it or not."

"Jo," Ellis pipes up, laying his hand on my fist. I look up to him, he's got this sadden look in his eyes again. He frowns.

I can't stand that look anymore, I stand up and pull away from him. I step outside the dinning room, going into the hallway. I cross my arms to hug myself. The tears in my eyes blurred my vision, shit. Why do I have to cry?

"Ellis, why do you even want to go to the EVAC? You saw all those dead people." Nick started up again.

"Don't you think I know that!" Ellis retorts back with a snap. "I don't want nobody to get hurt no more... I want to know that everyone's feed n' safe." His chair scoots back, echoing the noise across the house. "I can't do that for Jo, everywhere we go it's zombies, zombies, and zombies." His tone drops. "I will never forgive myself if something happened to any of yew'."

"There's always gonna be zombies." Rochelle speaks up. "We've crossed more than enough states and we only found four people alive. It doesn't help that most of it is a sausage fest."

She's right on that, seriously, there's only been three girls out of the entire trip. I wipe the tears out of my eye, calming myself down.

"I'm just saying, we should get a boat-"

"To where, Nick?" Ellis cute him off.

"Not this again." Nick waves it off.

"We ain't never gonna have peace, it's always gonna be survival mode." Ellis starts again.

He's right... but it's not the whole picture.

Ellis is right. I turn back into the doorway, looking at the tense atmosphere. Ellis stood up with his hands on the table glaring at Nick. "There's never going to be a where." I started, walking back in the room. "It's the zombie apocalypse, the zombies are mutating and the most we can do is outlive them."

They looked at me confused. "What the hell is this about?" Nick starts, rasing his brow to me.

"We ain't never gonna settle down guys, and if we do, we sure as hell ain't gonna live it up locked away from anyone that's not infected." I walk to Ellis, reaching for his shoulders and turning him to me. "There is no where, only the journey." I drag my hands to his face, cupping his cheeks to look to me. "And Ellis... I only want to be with you, you make the apocalypse fun and I don't want anything else in the world but to have... this." I motioned around the room to Rochelle and Nick.

Hearing the shower turn off, Coach was done. Ellis was still on edge, but there wasn't sadness in his eyes anymore.

"Ellis..." I start again. "It's up to you, but everyday could be a new adventure. The where doesn't matter if we got this team." I smiled.

He sighs, pull my wrists down and holding my hands in his. Ellis takes a breath, his lips slowly starting to smile. He looks to the rest of the team. "Well... can't say that doesn't sound more fun."

The bathroom door opens and I turn to Nick and Rochelle. "What about you guys? Let's even find a monster truck!" I grinned.

Rochelle sets her hand on her face, and smiles with a head shake. "Well I'm in."

"Anything but the military." Nick agrees.

Coach walks in, and is looking nice and spiffy. I walk to him, holding Ellis' hand for the added confidence. Coach was confused, time to get him caught up with this possible game plan.

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