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"Wake up!" I heard a bang above me, immediately I shot up, looking out the car to see Coach standing outside with his hand on the hood.

Grogginess was full on effect, I wasn't high anymore but definitely was extremely tired. I stirred, looking at my sides. The boys were waking up too, Ellis stretches his arms with a big yawn and Nick slapping his face with his hands. I stared ahead of us, seeing a bridge that was pulled up for the purpose of boats going under. Ellis slapped his hand to the hood of the car, pulling himself out through the widow and then ducking back in to offer me a hand. I smiled, accepting it. He pulled me out, holding my waist to be set on my feet. Ellis tipped my hat to me as I blushed.

We all stood outside, pulling out our weapons and setting them on the back of the car. Our medkits, pistols, and it looks like my weapon of choice went missing. I'm shit outta luck.

"It looks like we hit the storm, I thought we headed to Rayford?" Nick turned to Rochelle.

"This is Rayford. The storm blew out this direction." Rochelle corrected him.

"God damn it, now we have to worry about a cold?" Nick cursed.

"You're worried about a cold, and not the zombies?" Coach returned back to him.

"Well a little more hand sanitizer, and the world wouldn't be in this god damn mess." Nick scoffed, equipping his pistols and medkit.

"Oh my gosh, that's the prettiest girl I've ever seen." Ellis spoke up, as we turned to see what he was talking about. He was staring up at the bridge, in the rain I could make out a figure until my eyes adjusted. It was another girl, a human girl.

"Nice car, Dude!" She shouted back.

"Thank, and Hello! Hello... Howdy." He started stumbling, the group started smiling at him. I wasn't, I stared at them both waiting. "Beautiful weather we're having?" He was looking for something to talk about. He grabbed onto his hat brim and hid his face from her. "Oh God, I'm too nervous to talk to her, one you better do this." Ellis started walking a little further away.

"You've been killing zombies for the better part of two days, Boy. You can talk to a girl." Coach lectured him.

"Nah, I can't. Look at her." He mumbled, avoiding all eye contact from anyone.

"Anyway, can you lower the bridge?" Rochelle asked for us.

"You're going to have to get to the other side of the bridge, then we can help you!" She shouts back.

Another figure walks out, a man. He wears a leather jacket and has his hair nearly shaved off. "You down there, be calm. We're cops!" He shouts. "If you want to keep going this way, you're going to have to walk to the other side of this bridge. And then... me and some uh, other cops uh here can help you lower the bridge." He continues.

"That guy's no cop." Nick responded.

"Maybe, but at least he's no zombie." Rochelle steps forward toward the bridge. "Is the road even clear on the other side?" Rochelle asks them.

"Uhhhh, yeah!" He yells back down.

"Then it's a date!" Rochelle smiles at him.

"Hell yeah!" He cheers.

"That's the greasy vest wearing monkey if I've ever seen one." Nick laughs to himself. While they were figuring out the bridge, I looked at Ellis. He started wandering away from us, there wasn't a doubt... the girl up there just claimed his heart. It broke mine, and I looked to floor away from him. Nick walked beside me, noticing my grievances. "Isn't that terrific, Cupcake?" Nick laughs at me.

"Go to hell, Colonel Sanders." I snapped back, whipping my head away from him with a huff. I'm not pausing on that name anymore.

Nick laughs more, as we turned to the city behind us. Lots of zombies, things haven't changed. "Well, as long as we're here... do you know where the wedding was supposed to be?" Nick moved on.

The wedding... "Oh..." I started, looking around. I didn't know where we were to be honest. "Uhm... I'm not sure... and look at this place. It's overrun and no different from the mall." I felt my heart sank even more.

"A wedding?" Ellis chimed in, looking over at us. "Here?" He perked up. "That reminds me, I should totally marry that girl." Ellis fawns over the idea. I stare at him, giving him a nasty glare. Ellis notices, and something in his head clicked. He slumps over, scratching his neck. "Oh uhm..." His eyes glaze over the floor as I crossed my arms and turned away. "I don't mean it that way! Both of you ladies here are very beautiful too!" He motioned at me and Rochelle.

At this point he was just making it worse, and I felt my heart have a chunk taken out of it. "Whatever, let's just figure this out." I mumbled, facing away from him.

"Jo-" Ellis started.

"You heard the lady, let's move." Nick walked beside me.

Passing the blocked cars in the road by cutting on the board walk, more and more zombies came to us. The rain was loud, and it was hard to see through. The river next to us had a mild hint of fog starting to roll in, which will make it harder for us anyway. The boardwalk ended, as we turned toward the road to find it still cut off.

"Into these buildings!" Coach waved everyone to a doorway, as we funneled in. "Guns in the counter!" He said.

"Hold up a second guys, we need to go back so I can put a bullet in that dumbass' head." Nick chuckled at his joke, or at least I hoped it was a joke.

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