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"That was the biggest waste of money I've ever spent in my life." Nick muttered reaching the end of the tour of the under the bridge. Even trying to be nice in the apocalypse, you could still get scammed.

"Hey come on, it was very historical." Coach tried to defend what little entertainment it brought. I'm pretty sure killing the zombies was more fun than watching any of the historical dirt. "They would've had bigger plans the next year."

"Yeah, more scams. I'm familiar with them." Nick shook his head, slowly approaching a white door. He paused right before it, sniffing the air. "Gah! What's that smell?" Nick was revolted, pinching his nose.

"Smells like dead zombies, that smell I'm getting partial too." Ellis said with some regret in his tone. It's true but whatever the smell was, it smell like it was amplified.

We cracked it open, the smell being obvious now. "Ugh, not the sewers." Nick grunted, walking in anyways.

We followed, walking down a flight of metal stairs. We stopped at the edge, the rest of the stairs collapsed below. "Cannonball!" Ellis shouts, jumping down into the murky waters. "Hey guys, I found a chocolate bar! Oh wait... Nevermind."

I gagged at the thought of that, but took one deep breath and jumped it. The water being more sluggish then I'd like. "This is gross!" I exclaimed. Moving my feet through it and hearing it... bleh!

Nick, Coach, and Rochelle jumped down. I felt some splash of it, and I gagged more. I was not ready for this.

"I am breathing shit air into my lungs. It is being absorbed into my bloodstream. I am literally full of shit." Nick complained, I again, gagged. "Cupcake, you gotta stop doing that. You're gonna make me gag." Nick addressed me using that damn nickname.

"Calling me that won't help!" I held my stomach, eventually getting to a ladder. Ellis was first, climbing up and clearing the zombies from above. He reached down, lending me a hand to pull me up. We both helped the others up. "I can feel it in my shoes... ugh." I felt queazy again, but I held it in. We walked the ledge, coming down to two tunnels. I went in first, taking a look of ahead and... woah. I quickly rushed as soon as I spotted it... this baby was a machine gun, and it had a good clip of ammo. "Dibs!" I called out with cheer.

"Looking bad ass." Rochelle nodded, admiring my gun.

"Thanks, I'm calling it Carrie. She's gonna carry us all the way to the end." I joked, holding it in front of me to aim.

After picking up the ammo and medicine lying around, we lined up near the open button. This wasn't over yet, we're about to get into this. "Ready?" Coach asked, we gave him the nod and he hit it. More alarms to drill into my ears. Being in this sewer gave It more from echo, and it rung so much that it'll make my ears bleed. "Run!" Coach ordered, we jumped our way down.

I held my melee fire axe in front of me. Glows of yellow eyes fixated on us in the dark, as we heard the splashing around us. I covered our tail, hacking and slashing at anything that came close to us. I felt a lot of wet splashes on me, and my stomach was much too weak. I could almost vomit...

Reaching a ladder to get to the high ground, we gladly took up the opportunity. Another button, wasn't this painful enough? Coach hit it without a second thought, and we squeezed into the door as it opened. Rushing down the walkway it was our worst nightmare. It's collapsed.

"Goddamn it! Back into the shit water!" Nick swear, as we approach a tunnel. "Seriously, is nobody else freaked out right now? We are walking through a sewer."

I almost gave in on that one, feeling a baby vomit in the back of my throat. It's not what's happening, but it's what I can do for my team. We jumped down, mucking in the sewer water. The squish of each foot step driving me insane.... but the echoing in the tunnel of splashing was much worse. More glowing yellow eyes, and by the dozens.

Pulling out an adrenaline, I jabbed it into my thigh. "Phew!" I shook my head, grabbing my gun. I started spraying, walking through the water faster then anyone. I had the heavy hitter, each bullet taking out a chunk of them. "Die, die, die!!!" I shout, shooting every single one without a pause. They floated in the water, I just kicked past them and we saw the end of the tunnel. More zombies flooded out, jumping down on us and rushing. I continued to fire, feeling each shot give a kickback but I was determined to survive. The weapon stalled, being empty. "I'm out!" I shouted, pulling back out my melee. The fire axe cut through the last bit of the crowd, my teammates catching up to me.

"Behind us!" Rochelle warns, my attention still being in front of us.

Having our attention spilt, we stopped at the edge of the tunnel with what felt like neverending hordes.

"Fire in the hole!" Shouts Ellis, chucking his molly behind us and preventing anything from getting through the wall of fire.

With that out of the way, we chipped at the crowd. Eventually making it up to the concrete. I looked to the spray paint on the wall. "Safe house up here guys!" I shouted at them. "And it's dry!" I cheered, knowing my stomach is one bad sniff away from emptying it's containment. We climbed the ladder, the horde finally dying down.

I helped Rochelle up, seeing her face is covered in shit. "Oh God, do I have shit on my face?" I asked, looking at Rochelle.

She paused, looking at me kindly with an over exaggerated smile. She shook her head.

"It's all over you." Nick said as he climbed the ladder. Now that's what I call the final nail in the coffin. I rushed over to the opposite side of the top, leaning myself over the railing and losing it. I lost everything in my stomach. Nick gagged to himself, turning away. "You're gonna make me throw up!"

"Nick, you got a turd on your shoulder." Ellis said.

"I'm not even gonna look!" He retorted back.

I slowly moved away from the railing, feeling weak. "I'm... ready." I said, inching my way to the safe house. Rochelle rubbed her hands against my back as we climbed the stairs and finally finding the safe room. I trudged in, finding my way to sit on a wooden crate and lay down on it. "I'm gonna need a minute." I announced, as Coach closes the door behind him.

Persistence - Left 4 Dead X OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora