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We stood at the door to exit the stairwell. The suited man took a peek from keeping it barely open. He raised his hand and held 4 fingers. He glanced back at our group and nodded, we all nodded back to him. He shoves open the door, and one greyed human... zombie stumbled back on its ass. The suit set it's feet in the chest and aimed his gun and fired. The lady and black man rush in on the side and whack down two more with crowbars and the blue cap throws his fireaxe right between someone's eyeballs. The hallway was cleared.

I stepped out from the doorway, shaking with two pistols in my hand. I've never shot this before in my life. Now's as good as any.

Our group starts funneling through the hallways, going down further and further. I turned to the right before I follow. There's a big room with maps, I walked in as I drew my arms to the side.

New Orleans... all evac is pointing to there. I stepped on closer, grabbing at the map. That's where the last of the holdout is. "Guys?" I shouted, looking behind me. There's a man in a hoodie looking at me. "H-Hello?" I mumbled, seeing the man fall to his hands and knees, he starts growling with blood dripping from his gums. That's not human!

It screams, jumping at me. I quickly dodge to the left, ducking under the table. That thing is getting closer. I raise my hands up and aim my guns at him, but he jumped on me before I could do anything! "Get this freak off of me!" I shouted, hoping to get anyone's attention. I push back this thing and shove him against the bottom of the table, he just lines himself back up and raises his hand full of sharp nails, he's about to slash when a hole in his head makes him fall on top of me.

"Are you okay?" The woman asked, showing her hand. I accepted it, getting out from under the body and table.

"Yeah, you're a lifesaver." I told her my gratitude as I dusted off the germs.

"Well let's just keep paying it forward." She told me with a nod, as we scuffled out of the room to join the boys who were eyeing a ledge. "We have to get around the fire on the ledge! Let's get a move on people!"

We followed her instructions, as I followed behind last.

"It's the exploding guy!" The suit shouted, only to have the window in front of him explode and he stumbled back, falling off the ledge and being cover in what looks like vomit? EW! "A little help here!?" He shouts at us, but the gang turns to the new flood of zombies. I look at him, and his eyes land on mine. We started at each other, questioning our motives. "Help me up already!" He shouted, which snapped me out of the fog. I grabbed his hand, slowly hoisting him up. Once he was up, he held his hand in mine in front of our faces. "Thank you." He nodded, letting go just as fast.

Persistence - Left 4 Dead X OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz