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"Get your asses in here!" Shouts Coach, holding the door open and fires from the second tunnel entrance. It was horrible... more and more kept coming. Everyone was fighting and clearing zombies off of each other. I think we used our throwsables just getting here. We rushed in closer to the stadium safe house, Coach pulling us into the doorway to slam the door behind us. "Man said, any fight you walk away from is a win." Coach mutters, the door finally giving us our space. This door was the only thing holding those monsters back.

"This isn't getting easier." Rochelle holds her side, we could hear the infected outside of the safe room door to the outside of the stadium. This felt like the worst one so far, where were they coming from? Felt like endless waves and waves of zombies coming from inside. That already meant our worst fear. There was no one beyond the next door.

Coach handed her a health kit, and then sitting on the table next to the weapons to start catching his breath. We all were trying. I definitely took my beating too, and I collapsed to the floor to feel the cool concrete on the floor against my back. I was sweating up a storm and honestly I've never been more exhausted in my entire life. I felt my heart beating in my ears for crying out loud.

At least the zombies outside were losing interest, slowly the grunts outside faded away.

Nick trifled through the boxes this time, when he emptied them it was more stuffed animals. "Come on!" He kicked one them into the wall. "This is probably the safest place in the entire park, but we can't find one god damn non-alcoholic drink!" He curses, pausing before setting his hand on the molotov. "I could drink it..." Nick holds out his molotov, considering it.

Rochelle snatches it from his hand, not even giving a moment to let him think on it. "Nick, this is not the time for one." She told him.

"We've gone to three towns, and all of them have been overrun with them!" He throws his arm in the direction of the zombies outside.

"Tell you what, if you still want to drink after we found a way to signal that chopper, go at it!" Rochelle shoves it back to him, he holds onto it so it doesn't shatter on the floor and burns us alive. "I'm not taking care of a drunk man."

Nick huffs, looking at the bottle. He sighed, placing it on his belt. Which I think relieved us all. After the shit we have been going through, there's no way I don't fault anyone here for not wanting to get drunk. I was still proud knowing that we were all still having clear heads.

"Well how are we gonna signal the chopper in here? We've been running around for more then half the day just trying to find one person." Nick started up again.

Rochelle took a breath, before glaring back at him. "How am I supposed to know? We're here, we'll improvise."

They started pickering, and the noise drowned out the zombies. Everyone was cranky. Coach was looking at the posters on the wall. Ellis sealed himself in the bathroom, probably to get away from them. I don't blame him at all.

My eyes started to feel heavy, blinking felt more like a chore. The cool floor and this safe room was the last of the line. I tossed to my side, pulling in of the stuff animals closer to me and setting it under my head. I don't care, I felt so weak and just wanted something other than popcorn to eat.

"Guys!" Ellis was ecstatic as he barges in.

"Not now, Ellis." Coach stopped him, pinching the bridge of his nose.


"Ellis!" All three of them shouted, cutting him off. It was tense in here, and it woke me up from my drifting consciousness.

"There's running water here, damn!" He shouts at them.

At that moment, I think everybody in the room knew that yelling at each other wasn't getting us anywhere. We all settled down, letting the emptiness take over the room. Ellis set his weapon down, leaning against the wall. "Nick, buddy, why don't you try n' get some water from the tap?" He offered.

Persistence - Left 4 Dead X OCWhere stories live. Discover now