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Firing at the last of the zombies jumping the gate from the alleyway, I wiped my forehead and sighed in relief. The music from that float was so damn loud! Plus, I don't think that song is gonna ever get out of my head. Might've been a little too catchy. I heaved, holding my fire axe. I paused before crossing the makeshift bridge. Standing back up straight, I tried to pop my back. My whole body is cracking from the abuse it's getting. Crap, that last pop felt like I shattered my back. Guess I was beaten up a little too much during that fight.

"Anyone got any pain killers?" I asked tiredly, glancing the to the team as I held my back from the pain.

Nick pulls out some pills, and Ellis swings over with his medkit. They glanced at each other, and Ellis held up his kit but waited. "Which one sounds better?" Nick asked.

"Thanks guys, but I think I just exerted my back a tad much." I reach for Nick's, smiling. "But thank you for the offer, but let's make sure we keep that for later." I let Ellis know, he'd nodded in reply.

Ellis slips his medkit into his back, smiling as he stood patiently for me to knock some of the pills back. Nick walked by, passing by to catch up with Rochelle and Coach. "Guess the carry finally had her back snap." Nick chuckled, sarcasm dripping from his tone.

Rolling my eyes, for the thousandths time over his quips. Ellis chucked, setting his hand on my lower back. "Well I think you're getting the hang of this." Ellis was being sweet.

"Naw, I know I'm shit compared to you." I started walking with him over the float for the bridge. "You're scary how good you are with that sniper."

"Heh, thanks. Guess I just wanna protect y'all." He smiles, letting me walk first down the stairwell. Dead infected sprawled across the floor, the team making quick work of the trail ahead. Moving down the alley, Ellis held his sniper with one hand to look around us to double check. "And 'sides, you ain't that bad."

My hand slipped into his, stopping before the doorway to the back of the shop. I turned to Ellis, squeezing my fingers with his. "Ellis..." I started, looking back into his light blue eyes. When his eyes landed back on mine, they lit up. "I..." I started, feeling a bit shy. "I think... you're my daydream."

His lips smiled, wider then before. Ellis hands slipped to my waist, holding me up and hugging me. My feet weren't touching the ground and I was flustered from being held up. "With a pretty girl like you, everyday is a daydream!" He laughs, hugging me tight enough to make my back pop again. Wow, that actually helped! Ellis sets me down, looking excited. "Man, the next vehicle we get should be a monster truck!"

"We'll make it 100% zombie proof this time, right?" I smugly giggled, grabbing onto his hand and pulling him towards the group. Stepping into the back storage room with them, bodies on the floor. I got a whiff of the dead bodies and so I fanned my nose. "Eesh!" I shake my head. "They smell worse when they're dead!"

"Well it is hot today... I need a shower." Rochelle sighs, reloading her weapon.

"A shower... what a luxury." Nick scoffs.

"We don't got time for this, these bombs are dropping faster and faster." Coach already has his stance up and loaded. He heads outside, aiming his weapon out the door first. He fired a few times, and I approached the window. Peering out, there was gurgling. "Ya' hear that?" Coach asks.

"Boomer," I say quietly, pulling up my weapon and slowly moving to the other side of the street away from the nose. Coach and I took the lead, he slowly walked to take a look from where the bubbling noises. Laughter, from behind? "Jockey." I warned.

Staying low to the floor and crouch walking, I scanned the rooftops for the Jockey.

The team follows behind, and our defense was covering all angles. All besides one. A fighter jet rushes pass, and we look up. Coach's eyes widen. "Oh shit-"


A bomb dropping into the street, landing on a car. I cover my face with my arm, turning away from the debris scattering all in the air. "Shit!" I curse, the heat of the flames wafting to us. Screaming in the background, the horde was coming.

More laughter.

"Get this thing off of me!" Ellis shouts, grabbing a hold of the Jockey that surprised us from the rooftops.

Nick brings his machete out, raising it in the air and slashing at the Jockey's back. It fell to the ground. "Ellis, you okay man?" Nick asks.

The car's flames ate up some of the infected but we were getting surrounded. "I'm here!" Coach shouts, pulling us across the street. He walks in first the the garage, and he fired his weapon. A splatter of blood and green washing up over Coach. Guess he forgot. "Bleh! That fat bitch got me!" He starts wiping his eyes.

"This is all going to hell really fast!" Nick pushed everyone inside the building, guts and intestines dropping from the ceiling. "We got you, Coach!" Nick crouches, firing into the horde as the started rushing in. Rochelle sets down her weapon, pulling out some news papers and wiping at his eyes. Ellis and I stood above Nick, holding the horde at bay. "Reloading!" Nick shouts. The horde reaches our doorway, and Nick shoves them back. They stagger, falling over and tripping more zombies in the process.

The horde clears out as we finished the last of them, Coach stands up finally. He wipes a chunk of guts on his chest away. He groans, that vomit making me gag. "Okay, you guys convinced me. We need a shower." Coach flicks away an eyeball on his shoulder as we walked of the garage.

"Let's break into one of these houses." Ellis motions us to a boarded up doorway. He hits with the butt of his gun against barricade, the wooden planks dropping. He pulls out his guitar, slamming it on the doorknob. It falls off and Ellis holds the door open for us. "Go, go, go!" He rushed us inside.

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