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We heard knocking, and I shot up from my sleep. Looking around, I remembered what happen last night. We were naked, I can't let them see us like this! I gasped, pushing myself off with a limp from Ellis and grabbing my panties to start putting them back on. "Ellis...!" I yelled with a hush. He stirs awake, seeing myself getting dressed. His eyes shot open, looking outside to see the sun starting to rise. He crawls on the floor to get his clothes on.

In neck breaking speeds, we dressed and with myself now fully clothed. I pretended to rise in view of the widows, seeing Nick and who I would guess was Virgil. I haven't seen him yet, I stretch my arms in a huge display of 'just waking up'. Looking at Ellis, he just puts back on his boots. I open the door to the men outside.

"Morning!" I said, smiling to hide what happened to me and Ellis last night. Ellis turns himself around, almost looking like a deer in headlights. I turn to Virgil. "Thank you, sir... I appreciate all the help you've given us."

"Well... that's the thing." He started, pushing back into the room. "Last night we were getting dangerously low on gas.... so I threw the anchor down. You can't see it through the fog, but the main land is only about a mile away." He told me, as Nick passes inside too.

Nick looks down from head to toe at us both, and arches his eyebrow. I started sweating nervously... were we too loud last night? I nervously scooted over to Ellis as he was standing up, holding onto his arm.

"How's your leg?" Nick pointed to my gash.

"Oh!" I was surprised, looking down to it. "I'm doing better, but I'm still limping." I admitted.

"Uh-huh..." Nick nods, waving me off. "Virgil says there's a gas station by the shore here. There's a hurricane supposed to run through, and I think with your limping it'll slow us down." Nick nudges Ellis. "We've decided you're staying here until we get back."

Coach walks in to join the discussion, must've heard us talking. "It'll be quick, no need for the extra help." He says, giving me a look of confusion before turning into a smile.

Virgil walks to the helm, holding onto a level to push it up right. His grip on the wheel tightening and the boat rocks against the waves. "Start getting ready for the gas run." He turns to the men as I held onto Ellis' hand tighter. His fingers cupped into mine, I'm not excited to be waiting for them.

Ellis nods, as we start leaving the room and back to the deck. Looking back at the higher windows, I gave myself a sigh of relief seeing there would be no way they saw us from the deck. Ellis pulls me to the front of the boat and helped my with my injured leg, away from them as we both smiled at each other.

"That was close." I giggled, reaching for his hand to watch the sea with him. "You be safe when you go looking for gasoline."

His hand squeezed mine, and we brushed shoulders together. "It's close by, it'll be in and out."

"I think I could join you guys..."

"Well, just to be safe its best you're here." He turned back to me, looking at my leg. "I think you just need one more day or some til that leg could ru. We're on our way to New Orleans, so just take the break you need."

Taking a deep breath through my nostrils, I felt worried but I know that they can handle it. There was an outline ahead of us, and looking to the shore I could see more infected. They're everywhere we go. The boat started swing along the land, the right side of the boat sitting near the dock.

We gathered at the end of the boat, Virgil remaining at the helm. My hand slipped away from Ellis'. Nick, Coach, Rochelle, and Ellis waited til the boat stopped. Rochelle set a large black bag by Nick's feet, she started stretching to get ready for the gas run. Her eyes land on me, giving me a look with her eyebrow raised. I nervously laughed, trying to wonder why everyone looked at me so weird today. They stepped off, Ellis being the last one. I stepped closer and reached to his face, pulling him in for a quick kiss on his cheek. He looked enthusiastic about the kiss, even turning around and giving the team a smile. It was infectious, making Rochelle smile. I felt the boat jolt around, the steam coming up from the top of the boat. It started gliding away slowly.

"Now I'll throw the anchor just off shore, waitin' for ya!" Virgil comes over his speaker. "Signal me when you get the gas!"

"What are we supposed to signal him with?" I heard Nick ask the team as we started drifting off.

"What gun bag? What the-?" Coach starts, they start babbling, as I looked to the bag Rochelle must've given Nick.

Realizing what they meant, I grabbed the handle. "Guys!" I called out, throwing the bag overboard. It landed on the very edge of the dock of where they can reach.

"Thank you, Jo!" Ellis called out, I waved goodbye as they started riffling through the bag.

The fog started covering their details, til the last thing I saw was the outlines... then just the mist lingering over the shore. I sighed, Virgil heading away from the land but just close enough for us to see a vague outline. I hope they're okay. Looking down to my feet, I noticed something. My shirt was inside out.

Great, that's why I was getting some looks.

Persistence - Left 4 Dead X OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt