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The boat sailed on by along the shore of New Orleans, we were here. We made it! Great...! Why is everything on fire? This doesn't look good, the infection must've spread all the way here. It's only been this bad when we all met at the Vannah hotel. This is recent, all of this infection is happening for the first time here.

Standing on the deck, I looked at the street flooded with zombies, even some that look like they're just waking up to their new reality. The worst part about it is the slow decline of any sense of self. There's no one behind the rage and animalistic screaming. The ones who were just infected, they don't know what their doing until another thing makes noise. They get aggravated from any sounds, and when they make eye contact right before the change is the looks of confusion that boil into the must to start using brute force.

The streets were hit maybe even an hour ago. Guess we're fashionable late to the party, as always.

Ellis walked to me, handing over a water bottle. "Thanks," I said and grabbed ahold of it. I leaned against him as he swings his arm around my shoulders, our heads resting on each other. When I think about it, I'm sure without him I would've been dead a long time ago. I took a sip of water, trying not to feel too intimidated by the challenge ahead.

Nick walks over, holding the gun bag this time. His fingers brushing his face to wipe the tired look on his face. He rolls his head, getting ready just like us.

There's laughing coming from in the town, meaning there's a Jockey. This infection is mutating to be faster and faster with each person. I didn't like this, this place felt so eerie already just from afar. This definitely felt way worse, there's not even gunshots from anywhere.

Rochelle joins in, with Coach following in close behind. They were also trying to be calm before the storm.

I stood straight, holding up my fire axe and my Uzi in my hoister. Can't say that I haven't been getting close to Ellis' rapid kills but I've found my footing to be in this for the team. Now with my favorite weapon, I'll be the perfect guard for the back of the team. Of course, with my other hand still holding my favorite mechanic's.

The team watched as the boat neared a dock, slowing down near the edge. The engine of the boat shut off, and we drifted to the ramp. Virgil threw down the anchor, meeting us outside to say our goodbyes. He walked in closer to the group as his tired eyes looked out to the city, lots and lots of fire. He huffed, coughing into his arm. "Now this is a'far as Virgil goes, but y'all can make it to the bridge from here." He motioned into the city.

Stretching out my leg, I stepped off the boat first and watch the rest of them step off. Coach turned to Virgil. "Thanks, Virgil. You've already done a lot for us." Coach nods his head as they both smiled for what our future holds. "You're a hell of a guy." 

"Thanks, and good luck to ya'll! If anyone can make it, it'll be you and your team." He tips his hat for his goodbye, turning back to the boat and getting back to the helm. The anchor raised, and the boat started sailing away. From the window, Virgil is waving us a goodbye one more time. With the boat drifting off, disappearing into the fog. 

We all watched it vanish, slowly looking back up the ramp. Our last run, finally!

Nick threw the gun bag on the table, pulling out everyone's weapons and setting them on the table. The team found their kits, and I already held my weapons close to my side. Geared up, and ready to rock and roll. Looking under the table, I found something to make me smile. I ducked down, pulling out the item by the neck. Holding up a bass, I looked to Ellis. When he finally looked at what I was holding a smile spread across his lips and reached in to grab it. "Woah! This is heavier then it looks!" He comments, pulling it up to start playing it. I reached in, snatching it from him before he even strums any cords. 

"Ellis, this isn't the best time." I told him, pointing towards the city with the dozens of infected already crawling around. 

Ellis chuckled awkwardly, grabbing onto it. "Sorry 'bout that." He laughs to himself. 

Rochelle and Coach were already looking ahead as Nick watches our the sea. "This just happened today. This is just like Vannah." Nick comments, we were a little too similar when it comes to the down side of life but I know he has the guts to say something about it. 

"Lighten up, Nickolas." Rochelle sets her hand on his back, gently patting his back to soothe his complaining. "This is where Ceda's last evac is, we made it." She encourages, letting go to follow Coach looking up the the ramp.

Nick glances to me, and we both knew that our suspicions of our infection is still fresh on our heads. This wasn't good, and Virgil's wife being infected and not him made us even more fearful. He was definitely immune, if not he would've ended up like that pilot we got picked up by at the Carnival a few days ago. Dead and infected with a bullet hole in his skull. 

Ellis noticing our tension, divides our attention. "Do you know what suck the heads means? Cause I came down here with Keith once, and he didn't know, and― I mean, it ain't nothin' bad. It's about eatin'." He starts, making me smile and Nick roll his eyes.

"Let's get going, folks. We got an evac to catch." Coach rounds us up, leading the way into New Orleans. Totally not excited about this...

Persistence - Left 4 Dead X OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora