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"Is it weird I'm getting used to this?" Ellis comments, as the sludge of human waste squishes on our feet.

"I'm not." Nick was again pissed off being in a sewer for what felt like the millionth time. I'm counting that disgusting tunnel of love too.

"Me-either-" I gagged, stepping on something hard.

"Not this again!" Nick yells back into the tunnel at me.

"What!?" I shout back, echoing on the dirty walls. "I have the weaker stomach!"

"Guys, I think I see a ladder!" Rochelle points ahead in the darkness, daylight shining down. "Thank mother of mercy!" She cries out, stepping ahead of the boys.

Ellis pushes my back to go in front of the rest of them. I took the chance to get out of here second. I climbed the ladder, reaching the top and Rochelle reaching a hand for me, gripping on and helping me up. Fresh air!

Nick follows behind, Rochelle and I grab onto his forearms, yanking him up. Ellis behind, and I bent down to pull him up by myself. Coach follows behind with Nick aiding him. I think even with how sweet Ellis is, I still was revolted from his smell. Ellis give a slight sly smile, but tries to cover it up as I plugged my nose up.

"Wow, you stink." I mentioned, turning away.

"Have you smelled yourself lately?" Ellis retorts.

"Fair enough." I knew he was right.

Coach stands up, stomping his feet to get rid of the shit clinging on. He looks up, and his eyes widen. "Oh hell no." He glares ahead, we turned our attention to the parking lot of cars, all of them beeping with warning of any commotion. "I swear to God, if y'all can shoot zombies, they y'all can avoid the cars." Coach warned us before we got any closer to it.

"There's no zombies, I think we'll be fine." Rochelle waves him off.

Coach sighs, hoping she's right.

Getting ready to move, we heard coughing. I was already on edge, trying to listen in to the echos of splashing in the sewer. Nah, I'm not taking any chances here. I kneel down, grabbing hold of the man hole cover. I slid it over.

We heard a scream, and we looked around for the Smoker. "Gah!" Coach yells out, the tongue shot from behind the red car. "SHIT!" He curses, being dragged in. "Not the car!"

Ellis Sims down his rifle.

Click! Click! Click!

"I'm out!" Ellis shouts.

Coach was dragged into the car, and the alarm starts blaring. Without any hesitation, Nick shoots his shotgun into the cars. More get hit, and we're getting deafed by more alarms.

The manhole cover starts moving, they're trying to get up here! "No, no, no!" I yell, rushing over to stand on it. Not enough! "Ellis!" I cried out, reaching for him.

Ellis whips around, and without a beat, steps on the cover to keep it shut. He holds his guitar, looking for a new fight. Coach gets untangle from the intestines, and looking around we were getting surrounded.

"Get ready!" Nick shouts, spreading his stance and aiming at the rushing infected.

The team works together and I try to balance myself on the manhole as it rocks us back and forth. My aim getting worse. My bullets hits, yes, another damn alarm car. It goes off again.

"Well shit, we're just shooting all the cars now!" Ellis curses, and the horde screams out, chopping down the zombies rushing in too close.

"Sorry!" I shout, holding onto Ellis' shoulder to balance. There's a lot of infected under this, and even worse it was getting more and more wobbly to stand on it. I scanned my teammates's belt, looking for... ah-ha! "Rochelle!" I shout to her, getting her attention as she hits the butt on her gun into a zombies face. "Your pipe bomb! In here!" I shout at her, pointing down to our feet.

She pulls it out, nodding her head. Ellis and I knew, and stepped off with our feet on one side. Hands started clawing out, and Rochelle chucks the pipe bomb. It gets stopped, and Ellis and I look in fear at the bomb at our feet. "Run!" Ellis shouts, grabbing my hand.

We jump off the cover, with floods of zombies starting to pour out. The bomb ticked, getting kicked by the zombies and it rolling to the rim of the sewer. We ducked, covering our heads and eyes. The blast echoed, and the zombies from the sewer dies.

Exhausted, we looked around to see the corpses around. We panted, I held my knees as I was still stressed out from that. "Fuck me..." I mumbled to myself.

Ellis chuckles low, leaning in and smirking. "Maybe later." He whispers huskily, as I rolled my eyes.

"Har-har." I shoved his shoulder, standing up to see him chuckling.

"Y'all okay?" Coach checks in.

Everyone replied with their confirmations, and a sigh of relief washed over us. "Nice job, Coach." Nick mocks him, patting his back.

"It was a Smoker!" Coach shouts back.

"But we weren't the ones who triggered it." Nick laughs at their misery.

"Oh shut up, Nickolas." Rochelle steps in on the banter, smiling.

"Okay, we all got our car alarms out of our system." I moved forward, brushing off the dirt off my arms. "Let's keep going, I think I see a ladder to the highway up ahead!" I point.

"Let's keep moving y'all." Coach says, jumping up on the cars.

Making our way through the parking lot, it was easier without the alarms... although it could've been easily avoided in the first place. Stepping in closer to the road, I looked inside the toll booth. "Hello, handsome." I smirked, grabbing hold of a new military sniper. Turning back to Ellis. "Hey handsome." I used the same line, holding out the weapon for him. "Missing something?"

Ellis grins his toothy smile, grabbing hold of the sniper. "You know me so well." He cooing over my gift. He grabs ahold of my waist with his other arm, pulling me in. "Thanks, Jo." He placed a kiss on my lips.

"We're almost there, then you love birds can have all the time in the world to make us all feel uncomfortable." Nick shakes his head, walking past us.

"They're cute, leave em' alone." Rochelle cuts in. "Sometimes it's nice not feeling like we're in survival mode 24/7."

Nick grabs ahold of the ladder, and for a brief moment... I could see a slight smile on his lips. I smiled to myself, sliding my hand to Ellis and pull him to the ladder.

Climbing up, behind Rochelle and ahead of Ellis and Coach we reached the top. Nick steps up the metal stairway, standing at the top.

"That's it! We're really here!" Nick points ahead, smiling wider then ever before. "We're on the bridge, we're here, we're here!" He shouts. We heard roaring in the sky, and looking above was a fighter jet. It rushes by, and... oh no. Bombs fell from it, landing on the bridge and exploding. "Oh come on!" Nick shouts, our pathway being destroyed.

"No!" Rochelle shouts, looking at the debris scattering down and flames erupting from the smoke.

We all stood at the top of the bridge, looking on in horror.

I groaned, hearing more jets passing by and going towards the end of the bridge. "God, fucking damn it!" I cursed, knowing this trip just got extended. "Fuck the military..."

"They're blowing this bridge to cover our retreat. If we want to go with them, we better hurry up." Nick urged us.

Persistence - Left 4 Dead X OCWhere stories live. Discover now