What Is This Feeling?

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Lady Nagant: OverHeaven?

Y/n's eyes meet the sniper's. He was frozen for what felt like minutes, but in reality, it was only seconds. Deku pulled him aside.

Deku: We have to move! Try to figure out where All For One is located.

Y/n: He is in an abandoned house far from here. I can give the details later.

Deku: You knew the whole time!

Y/n: Honesty, you were a bit dumb for not asking earlier.

ADeku was swinging, and Y/N used his original quirk to move on the side of the building. Deku caught another bullet midair, not noticing another bullet after him.

Y/n: The World

Once time stopped, Y/n jumped off the side of the building and smacked the bullet out of the trajectory. Time shortly resumed. Deku grabbed Y/n's hand.

Deku: Thank you.

Y/n: I got an idea! If I smoke enough, I can put up a fog, blocking her sight line.

Deku safely swung to the ground and activated his smoke quirk. Thick purple fog covered the ground.

Y/n: perfect. We have some room to think.

Deku: The pros have told me to run when I see her. We have no need to fight now because of you.

Y/n: Oh god, but how do we get out of here? That is why we have no choice but to fight.

Deku: Do you have any plans?

Y/N: The world.

Time stopped. Y/n went outside the smoke and saw Lady Nagant floating in the air. Looking at her gave him butterflies. Her sight made him feel in a way no one had made him feel, not even Toga.

He snapped out and retreated back into the smoke.

Deku: Y/n?

Y/n: She is above us.

Deku: How do you know?

Y/n: Time stop.

The 2 boys started whispering to each other. That is how they formed the plan. It started when Y/N left the smoke, both hands raised with a Jack Daniel's in his grips.

Y/N: Lady Nagant, you do not need to shoot me, I surrender.

Lady Nagant: Where is the other boy?

Y/n took out his Karambit which had blood dripping from it.

Y/n: Wounded in the smoke. I say we should sit down and have a drink!

Deku crashed through the building and closed the distance. Y/n watched as they both struggled to hit each other. Finally, she threatens Deku with an old enemy.

Y/n: Overhaul? The World.

Y/N ran to the building as fast as possible, but time resumed before he could reach the roof. Deku was able to save the old friend from the sniper.

Overhaul: OverHeaven, why are you here?

Y/n ignored him, and he went to join Deku in battle. When he finally arrived, he saw Lady Nagant being defeated and falling to her death. Y/n stopped time and saved her. Y/n landed on the ground with no damage, carrying her bridal style.

Y/n: You are safe with me.

Lady Nagant: You are just like me. The reason we became "villains" is the same.

Y/n: Correct, and I will fix it, in my own way. I will never be a pawn.

Endever, Hawks, and All Might arrived.


Deku: No, he saved my life.

Parts of Lady Nagant's face started glowing. That was followed by an explosion. Y/n never let go of her. Once the dust cleared, it looked like they were both untouched.

Y/n: Hawks, now I will be able to save everyone I care about.

To Be Continued...

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