Old Friend

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Y/n:Perfect time for it to start raining.

As he passes the ruins, clothes all torn up and a bottle of Jack Daniel in hand, he comes across 3 guys harassing a civilian. He uses Made in Heaven to speed up and block the water with his glass bottle.

The sight of him made the 3 guys run away, and the female civilian cowered in fear. Y/N picked up an umbrella and presented it to her.

Y/N: This must be yours if I'm not mistaken.

She slowly reached out and grabbed the handle.

Civilian: Thank you, but why are you doing this?

Y/n: I am lost in this world just like you. Tell me, why were you wandering the streets at night?

Civilian: I thought I could wait out the disaster, but now I am looking for shelter.

Before Y/n could answer, he felt a powerful kick, launching him 10 feet. Once he got up, he saw a hero wearing a yellow scarf and green clothes. His clothes were torn and damaged, just like Y/n's.

Deku: OverHeaven, this is the end for you!

Y/n: That is not me anymore.

Y/n took out a shot glass, poured himself some Jack Daniel's and drank it.

Deku:Y/n? Are you OK?

Civilian: What are you doing? That kid saved me!

Deku turned around and then looked back at Y/N. Y/N started to chug the whisky bottle.

Deku: You are too young to be drinking.

Y/N put the now empty bottle on the ground. Suddenly, it was completely refilled. Y/N then took out a pack of cigarettes and removed the last one from the box. He then pulled out a lighter and started smoking.

Y/n: We can both agree that this world has gone to hell, Izuku. Looking at both of us, it is clear we are broken. I know the dangers of what I am doing

Y/n started walking closer to Deku while also taking puffs of smoke.

Y/N: One of my quirks can cancel out the negative effects of Alcohol and smoking.

He put his arm around Deku's shoulder.

Y/n: We have an unfinished job here.

A black car pulled up with All Might, and he got out holding a lunch box.

All Might: Why is OverHeaven here?

Deku: All Might, take her to a shelter. Also, Y/n is working with us.

The civilian got into the car.

All Might: Why the change of heart Y/n?

Y/n: I am only helping out until I have no vendetta.

Deku: What are you talking about?

Y/n: DarkestDesires, I will find and kill him. It is a monster I made, so it will be the monster I kill.

Deku took the lunch box from All Might and smiled at him.

Deku: Follow me, old friend.


Deku: You sure you don't want a bite?

Y/n: My lunchbox is right here.

Y/n pointed to his Jack Daniel's as he was about to take another swing.

Y/n: Do you want some?

Deku:No thanks, I don't drink.

Y/n: I knew that.

Y/n's clothes changed color from a black and purple style to a green and black style to match Deku.

Deku: That looks good on you.

Y/n: I figured we should twin since I am working with you.

Deku's phone rang.

Y/n: Guess you have to explain to them that I am part of the team.

The former villain stepped away while Deku answered the call. As Y/n looked around, he sensed danger and pushed Deku out of the way.


A bullet went through Y/n's whole ribcage and also hit Deku's phone, breaking it while also critically wounding Y/n. Y/n responded by healing his hole with reality override.

Deku:That must be one of the Assassins sent by All For One.

To Be Continued...

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