OIA Part 2: The Duel of Manhattan

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Over Heaven: So WHAT THE FUCK are we going to do now?

Spinner: Why do you think I also have a plan?

The 2 villains were arguing back in the hotel room.

Over Heaven:How about we just take the money and leave?

Spinner: No, they would expect us to do that.

Over Heaven pulled something out of his pocket.

Over Heaven:See, I bought tickets, just pack up right now, Spinner!


Taxi Driver: Ride for Y/N?

Over Heaven: Yes, that is me. Take us to the airport.

Taxi Driver: OK.

The taxi was chill, and the villains felt comfortable in the car. Over Heaven kept looking around him, looking for the gangsters. Behind him, he saw a black BMW that kept going in the same direction as the taxi. He could not make out who was in the car.

Over Heaven: Excuse me, Driver, I will pay you $100 extra if you take 4 right turns in a row.

The driver listened, and after completing the task, Over Heaven breathed a sigh of relief as he could not see the car anymore. He paid the driver the extra cash when they reached the destination.

Spinner and OverHeaven walked to a steel fence, overlooking the plane runway. Spinner cut the fence, and they dashed to the only airplane in sight. When they got close to it. The plane was engulfed in an inferno as it exploded.

Spinner: Shit, they are onto us.

Turning around, they were greeted by 5 men. Two of them had black and white 2-piece suits with a purple tie. They held AUGs with green lasers, all pointing at OverHeaven. The one in the middle had a blue 2 piece suit, just like Armstrong. The other 2 had also had black and white 2-piece suits but with a blue tie. They were holding an M4A1 each. Over Heaven put his hands in the air like he was about to be arrested, and Spinner did the same.

Guy in the middle: Welcome boys, my name is Drake. I am the right-hand man to Armstrong. The people to my left with the AUGs are members of our rival gang, La Pantera.

OverHeaven: So you guys work together now?

Drake smiled in response.

Drake: You learn fast, you see, we would have killed you if it was not for the truce Armstrong made with Mr. Pin. We found out your connections with Tomura Shigaraki. In order to send a message, we decided to have you two duel our leaders at 9 pm today. We will have our taxi driver drive you two back.

Over Heaven: He works with you? I DEMAND A REFUND.

Timeskip, 8:57, back at the Airport Runway.

Over Heaven and Spinner wait patiently at the airport. Spinner was looking around while Over Heaven was watching a video on his phone.

OverHeaven: Spinner, did you know that today is the day of the festival in UA. I heard that Class 1-A was performing a song, I am just watching a live stream of the event. They will start at 9 pm here. Back home, it is 10 am.

Spinner: That is cool, but they are here.

Over Heaven stood up and looked in the same direction as Spinner. Armstrong was walking towards them along with a skinny guy near him. He had long white hair, and he looked 20 years older than Armstrong. His nails on his pointer and middle finger were 2 inches long and colored purple. That was only on his right hand. He wore a 2-piece suit like Armstrong, but it was purple instead of blue. The two recognized him as Mr. Pin.

Mr. Pin: You two ready?

Over Heaven:I guess I am.

Spinner: Ready!

Armstrong: Then let's start!

OverHeaven used Made in Heaven to dahs toward the 2 bosses, but Armstrong's left arm grew 5 times his body size and upper cut OverHeaven. He flew 20 feet before catching his fall. His nose started bleeding.

OverHeaven: I see why they call you Armstrong.

Spinner ran towards OverHeaven and stood in front of him.

Spinner: Are you OK?

Over Heaven touched his nose with one of his fingers. His nose stopped bleeding.He wiped the blood off his face with his finger.

OverHeaven: I am OK. It looks like this will not be easy.

Armstrong: My quirk is called Armstrong, and it increases the muscle mass of my left arm, making it more powerful.

Mr. Pin: My quirk is called PinPoint. I am able to see targets on your body. If I strike the bullseye, I do critical damage.

OverHeaven: We like the sound of that.

Over Heaven kneeled down, and spinner got on his back with his sword in hand.

Mr. Pin: Giving your lizard pet a piggyback ride?

OverHeaven charges and spins around the two in double accelerate mode. Spinner would cut at them when he saw an opening. Armstrong got mad, so he hit the ground as hard as he could, sending a shock wave, tripping Spinner and OverHeaven.

Mr. Pin: Bullseye!

Mr. Pin jumped at Spinner when he hit the ground, but before he could stab him, he switched places with OverHeaven. OverHeaven got stabbed in the shoulder by Mr. Pin's nails. Spinner was about to use that moment to cut Mr. Pin's head off, but Armstrong hit him with his strong left hand. Mr.Pin removed his nails from OverHeaven and walked away to give him space.

OverHeaven walked up to Spinner, who was on the ground. OverHeaven healed him first, then himself. When he healed himself, he started to laugh uncontrollably.

OverHeaven: I can see you two are powerful. Let me introduce you to my knives.

He pulled out 3, throwing knives and threw them at Mr. Pin but were blocked by Armstrong's hand.

Armstrong: These knives are like splinters to me.

OverHeaven: That is why they are not normal knives.

The knives unleashed an electric shock to Armstrong. OverHeaven rushed at him with reality override energy in his right hand. They clash hands.

Over Heaven: Have you heard of true damage?

The moment he said that Armstrong's buffed-up hand suddenly blew up, blood flew everywhere as Armstrong let out a bloody scream.

Mr. Pin was going to stab OverHeaven, but the young villain caught his fingers as Spinner cut off Mr. Pin's hand.

3 Black cars pulled up behind Spinner and OverHeaven. The windows were rolled down, and gun barrels stuck out of the windows.

Mr. Pin: Time to use your own bullets against you!

OverHeaven grabbed Spinner's sword right from its sheath, and as the gangsters fired, Over Heaven blocked all the bullets with the sword until they ran out of ammo and drove away.

Over Heaven: It is over, we won.

Armstrong: Not yet.

Suddenly, a bear wearing a Grey Ushanka with a red star on it. Inside the red star was a golden hammer and sickle. The bear scratched both of the villains till they could not get back up. The bear stood up on its back legs and spoke in a heavy Russian accent.

Bear: They were no match for my quirk, Mr. Pin.

Mr Pin: Thanks, Ivan.

Spinner and OverHeaven watched Ivan, Mr. Pin, and Armstrong walk away before becoming unconscious.

To Be Continued...

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