The Bliss

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OverHeaven wandered the dark alleys, away from the sight of people. Once the coast was clear, he climbed the ladder onto a rooftop. Toga was waiting for him.

Toga: Y/N you found me~

OverHeaven: Toga, I was worried for you.

Toga: That is so cute.

OverHeaven got closer.

OverHeaven: It is something about you. It pulls me closer.

Toga: I love you~

Their lips touch. It became more passionate as both of their tongues danced together. After 30 seconds, they break the kiss with a single string of saliva connecting their lips.

OverHeaven: Wanna go to a hotel nearby?

Toga:Yes, I will.


OverHeaven and Toga get into their room. There was a queen-sized bed in the middle of the room. The room also had some pink LED lights and roses on the bed.

OverHeaven and Toga went to separate sides of the bed. They looked at each other with lust in their eyes.

OverHeaven: The World over Heaven!

Time stopped.OverHeaven he looked at the reader.

OverHeaven: I know most of you are now ready for what comes next. I know most of you would enjoy reading that because you either have no girlfriend or are a horny mother FUCKER. Some of you may have not even touched grass in some time. So here is the plan. You give me some privacy, and you go touch some grass and contribute to society.

The next morning

OverHeaven wakes up at 8 in the morning. Looking around, Toga was missing, being replaced by a wrapped box. The box also had a red ribbon on it. OverHeaven lifted the box. Under it was a note.

Hey, y/n, I have to go for personal reasons. I hope you had a good night because I did. I decided to leave you this present. From one psycho to another


OverHeaven unwrapped the gift and opened the box. Inside was a Tonto knife with a wooden exterior.

OverHeaven put on some clothes and put the knife in one of his pockets. As OverHeaven went out the front door, purple gas sprayed into his face. He covered his eyes as a reflex, but when he opened his eyes, he saw that he was back in the empty hallway of UA.

OverHeaven: Where the hell am I?

DarkestDesires: Does that matter at all?

OverHeaven takes out his karambit and slashes DarkestDesires in half vertically. DarkestDesires turn to dust.

DarkestDesires: Did you think it would be that easy?

OverHeaven suddenly got punched so hard he flew into the air.

OverHeaven: Why am I not falling back down?

OverHeaven stood up. He was in the middle of the sky facing his dark self.

OverHeaven: What do you want now?

DarkestDesires: To save you.

OverHeaven slashed at him again. DarkestDesires turned to dust again. OverHeaven then started falling till he hit the ground. He looked around at his new surroundings. It was a destroyed city with no life in sight. There were multiple figures that looked just like DarkestDesires.

OverHeaven: You will never control me!

OverHeaven killed all the DarkestDesires clones.

DarkestDesires: You missed a spot.

OverHeaven charged at him, but DarkestDesires dodged his attack and touched his arm.

DarkestDesires: Reversal!

OverHeaven's body started undoing all of its recent movement for 30 seconds. DarkestDesires then kicked him to the ground.

DarkestDesires: Disappointment.

OverHeaven dodged his dark beam attack. More DarkestDesires clones appeared, and OverHeaven killed them with his knife.

DarkestDesires: Want to see a shocker?

OverHeaven: Fine.

DarkestDesires: This world you are in is not real. This is one of my "Darkest Deeds." My most powerful moves. I call this one, "The Bliss."

DarkestDesires snapped his finger, and the effects wore off. OverHeaven was standing back in the middle of the street. Dead bodies were all around him. Everyone around OverHeaven started running.

OverHeaven:WTF IS THIS.

DarkestDesires: All the blood on your hands. You killed them all with that knife.

OverHeaven broke down. He looked at his knife, covered in blood of the innocent. He attacked DarkestDesires yet again.

DarkestDesires: Black Coffin!

Everything in a mile radius was covered in a gigantic black box. OverHeaven could not see anything. As he moved around, he felt like he was being cut by a bladed weapon.

OverHeaven: The World Over Heaven.

As time stopped, OverHeaven healed his wounds and set a Heaven Ascended Smite down to his location. He also threw knives all around him.

Time resumed yet again.

OverHeaven made all the knives discharge electricity. The Heaven Ascended Smite broke through the black Coffin, leaving a hole at the top. OverHeaven escaped using the hole he made and ran away as fast as possible after seeing police cars entering the street.

To Be Continued...

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