On the Run

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TV Reporter: UA High School is currently facing issues as one of its students is now on the run and may have taken up a life of crime. The name of this student is Y/N L/N.He may be dangerous so let the authorities know when you see him.

Y/N was watching that TV broadcast in an abandoned apartment he found in a poor area. He got up from the dirty green couch that he slept on for some nights. The living room had a broken box TV, a cheap TV stand, and the couch he slept on. The bathrooms were moldy and wet while the bedroom was empty and had signs of a rat infestation. He grabbed a garbage bag and picked up all the empty bento boxes and vans of Pepsi and chucked it out the window.

Y/N could have remodeled the apartment but to not be suspicious, he chooses not to. He changed from his hero outfit to a forest green Hoodie and red sweatpants in an instant. He put the hoof on and left his living space. He felt homesick but knew the cops would flood his home apartment looking for evidence.

After a short walk, he made it to a local park and sat down near the fountain. He started sipping on a can of Pepsi when his eyes spotted something familiar in the distance. It was 4 of his classmates: Deku, Bakugo, Ida, and Uraraka.

Y/N kept his head low to not be noticed as he also listened in on them

Deku: ... Aizawa is teaching us about patrolling because he wants us to look for Y/N?

Ida: Whatever the case, we should pay attention so we do not miss anything.

Y/N could hear them clearly as they stopped to chat in front of him. He could tell Bakugo was getting impatient


Bakugo was pointing at Y/N and he thought it would be best to leave the area while keeping his head low. As he was making his escape, Bakugo went behind him and pulled down his hood, revealing the face and the eye that was wanted by the whole nation. The future Villain realized that there will be a fight on his hands.


Y/N(Thinking):OH shit, they got me, guess I have no choice.

I swapped into my future Villain outfit and faced the initiators. Uraraka was on her phone probably calling for backup, Ida, Bakugo, and Deku looked at me shocked.

Bakugo attacked me with his left hand but when he activated his quirk, the explosion got blocked by my reality override. Many more hits were blocked with the same method. Ida activated his quirk to attack my flank so I moved back to dodge him with Made in Heaven. Deku also rushed me after powering up to Full Cowl and kicked me in the face knocking me back.

No pov:

Y/N crashed into the fountain. He stood up, wiped the blood off his face, and said:

Y/n:You all are strong, but are you fast?

Y/N activated double Accelerate and reached into his coat pulling out 3 knives. He threw them at Deku but he dodged them. Y/N moved to an open field and scanned his opponents. A 4 vs 1, looks bad but he liked the odds.

He ended the double Accelerate early as he switched quirks. Bakugo used AP shot full auto, and y/n blocked most of them but did get hit. Suddenly he started floating and drifting away from the ground. He forgot about Uraraka and bakugo was charging another AP shot. Thinking quickly, Y/N used reality override to force drop himself dodging the AP shot beam by a hair. He landed on the ground and landed on his back.

Ida:Y/n, your games are over, time for you to come back home.

Y/n threw a knife that missed Oda but hit the tree behind him. Once the knife made contact, electricity was discharged from the knife, hitting Uraraka and Ida, and knocking them onto the ground, Deku ran to his friends and Bakugo went for y/n.

10 balls that were the size of a tennis ball appeared around Y/N. They had the same aura inside them as Y/N's reality override. Y/N jumped and stayed 10 feet off the ground. The balls were spinning fast until a flame that had a grayish color to it started to appear behind them. They looked like asteroids that had entered the Earth's atmosphere. Y/N pointed to Bakugo and the balls shot at his location. Once they hit the ground, they exploded leaving craters on the ground.

Y/N felt like something was behind him so he used his quirk to slide to the right, dodging a fire blast. Looking behind him was the rest of class 1-A.

To Be Continued...

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