I get out of my room and i hear liliana and Iglesias talking ,this is interesting to know what they might be possibly talking about while im not around, might be a arguement since its liliana. But its worse. Its about maria,how could they possibly end up talking about maria "how old is Maria ?". That's when it completely hit him. His face went pale. Like he actually went all white. His breathing are getting only heavier by the more I look ,his hands, trembling. His eyes are filled with fear and surrender. I cannot let him be in this position any longer no.


Liliana is actually helping the maids set the table. Gosh this girl. She smiles at them as she places the plates on the table in a fast motion and setting knife to knife and fork to fork. I let her do it for a little longer before I tell her to let it go. She looks happy as she looks at me at laughs at something she heard. "New maid just hired". "WHAT". I drag a hand over my face ,close my eyes ,laugh and shake my head. At her ". Why are you helping the maids Liliana they are paid maids for a reason,". " Because I want to help-PAID MAIDS why am I not getting paid?". "Because you're not a maid. They don't need help,". "oh . You're right. I thought the poor creatures were doing it for free ,sorry maid #3 I'm gonna sit down".
"Liliana where are you from?". Iglesias asks. "El Salvador". "It makes sense ". "What did you say?". He pinches the bridge of his nose and blows a breath. Romeo comes out if nowhere. " Alla base c'è un grosso problema ". ( At the base , there's a massive problem).
"Che cosa?". Iglesias has a disappointed look on his face as he swears under his breath while he looks down. "Well shit call rivaldo to open the gates for us I'll be there in 15 minutes". "On it.".
There's a problem at the base and I don't know what is it about. Romeo didn't say anything but Iglesias looked like he already knew. And this can't be good. Iglesias looks too unsatisfied to this be good.
He rests his hands on the table as his head is dropped down looking at his shoes. His shoulders growing and shrinking as he breathes he's stressing. He's stressing so hard about something I haven't figured out yet. I wish they could give him a break to breath. A break for him to realise that he can breath freely without worrying . I really wish that.

"What's wrong?" I ask
He turns around,hands still on the table but other way ,now he's facing me and his breaths are the same ,loud and heavy, he looks me straight in the eye with a mix of worridness and anger . "Elvira". He manages to spit out. "I'm going to have to leave. Something... something happened"
I can't ask him what happened because hell he looks like he don't want to talk any bit of it. So I just nod and try to look as understanding as possible. He walks over it me and holds a grip on both of my shoulders and looks me deep in the eye. "It's your turn to be careful okay?". No . No it's not I have nothing to be careful about . "Just tell me what I can't do"
"You can't leave the town ,If u want to go out ,take a bodyguard with you alright? I have to go". He lets go if my shoulders and nearly runs upstairs .

Liliana's face is un-describe able .

Her eyes are wide and her lips are slightly parted as she looks at me
"That was intense."
"Oh Liliana". "It was ! Oh my god the way he looked at you and how he spoke damn girl ". "I don't know what happened". "it's fine he will handle it"
"That's what everyone expect from him" I mumble under my breath slightly getting irritated. "What?- Elvira. What is going on what are you thinking-". "Let's just let him leave okay. Then we will talk ". The response was a sound of a car driving off. Iglesias just left. "Okayyy. He's gone. How about we eat and you talk and I'll listen?". " It just that . People like his dad and not just his dad expect so much from Iglesias god it's so tiring. And I know how it feels. I really do ". "Well Elvira he was born for this life he's every well trained to do this right?". "no one was born for this life. We was born with a hard life so we can make it better. Life is a test it tests you so hard that the people in the aslyums lose their minds trying to get out the hard part of life ."

Ruthless Sweetness (SELF PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now