Chapter 19

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Logan POV

Once I've sent the message, I hear Kelly shout that the small dish is ready. So I get out of my room and go to join him. I see that he's put everything on the island, so I go and sit down, then he sits down opposite me. So, to start the conversation, I ask him a question.

L: Do you have any house rules?

K: Well, first of all, it's your place too, so it's ours. And I don't think I have any. Do you?

L: I don't think so. To tell you the truth, I've always lived at home on my own, so I don't really know.

K: Okay, we can do it the usual way, and if we feel we need to set some rules, we'll set some rules.

L: That's fine with me.

By the time we'd finished talking, we'd already finished eating. So I clear the table. Once I turn around, I see that Kelly is no longer at the island, but sitting on the sofa. He turns his head, and tells me to come and sit on the sofa and watch a movie.

K: What movie do you want to watch?

L: You can choose, but please, anything but a horror movie. I want to get a good night's sleep.

K: Okay. How about Top Gun?

L: I've never heard of it, but why not. (A/N: Please don't hate me. I know that Top Gun is a very famous film. Don't worry, I've already seen it).

K: Seriously?

L: Yes.

K: Okay, short summary, no spoilers?

L: Sold.

K: So it's a school for the naval aviation elite only. And when I say elite, I mean the elite of the elite. And in this school, they all strive to be the best pilot. There's a pilot called Maverick, and he has a partner called Goose. And Maverick is a real hothead-

L: Reminds me of someone...

K: Hey! I'm not like that.

L: If you say so.

K: Okay, so the movie's basically that, if you don't want any spoilers. So sold?

L: Sold.

K: Wait, we forgot the popcorn. Would you like a beer?

L: Sure.

K: Okay, I'll be there in two minutes.

Kelly returns exactly two minutes later with beer and popcorn.

L: Very punctual.

K: I know.

Kelly opens Netflix and puts on Top Gun.

About two hours later...

L: Woah, that was great. Goose's death was horrible, though. I felt bad for Maverick for feeling responsible.

K: Yeah, I know how it is. Unfortunately, I lost my best friend. She was murdered.

L: I know what you mean, when I lost my brother, I felt guilty because of my parents as they would only tell me it was my fault.

K: Parents still aren't perfect. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about.

L: A bad childhood?

K: It's more a bad life with my parents. My father left my mother when I was little, and he got back together, had children, and left, and so on. My mother, on the other hand, is afraid I'll end up like my father. Whenever she can, she makes little comments to remind me not to end up like my father. Anyway, I didn't have a great childhood, but I didn't have the worst one.

L: I know what you mean. Without the guys, I don't even think I'd be alive today. And I tell myself that even if I didn't have the best family, I've got my new family with you guys.

K: So, family isn't necessarily just blood ties...

L: Yeah.

I look at the clock and see that it's midnight. I know Kelly has a shift tomorrow, so I tell her.

L: Kelly, it's midnight. We should go to bed.

K: Good idea, I'm beat. Good night, Logan.

L: Good night, Kelly.

We both go to our respective rooms, and as soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Good morning, everyone,

I know it's taken me a long time to write this chapter, and I'm sorry for that. However, I hope you enjoyed it.

There's only one chapter left.


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