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On the way to the hospital...

Logan’s POV

I start to wake up when I feel shaking. I don’t understand what’s going on, until I open my eyes. I see a paramedic sitting next to me. As soon as she sees that I’m awake, she comes to my side.

? It’s okay, my name is Talia. You were shot. We’re taking you to Chicago Med.

Since I don’t have much strength anymore, I don’t answer her, but she seems to understand that I’m weak.

T: Don’t worry, it’s normal that you’re weak. You have multiple gunshot wounds, so you lost blood.

Soon we’ll be in Chicago Med.

T: Logan Diaz, 20. She was shot three times. Two went out, but the third is still in her belly. Stat 96, heart rate 78.

? Dr Halstead, Dr Rhodes, Baghdad Room.

I’m starting to feel tired again. I’m trying not to fall asleep, but very quickly, the darkness greets me.

Severide’s POV

We all arrive at the hospital when we see Maggie. We head towards her.

LS: Hi Maggie, you wouldn’t happen to know where Logan Diaz is?

M: No, why not?

LC: She works at our barracks, she’s new.

M: I’ll see what I can find for you. Wait in the waiting room, I’ll be back.

We wait about 5 minutes in the waiting room before Maggie comes to see us.

M: She’s stable right now. She’s got three bullet wounds, one of which is pulling out. She’s in her belly. The other two have come out. You can go and see her in about an hour. I’ll pick you up.

LS: Thank you Maggie.

Maggie leaves and we wait.

H: Uh… Guys, we have a guard in a few hours, has anyone thought to call the chief?
Everyone is nodding their heads.

H: I’ll call him and let him know.

LS: Ok.

Forty minutes later, we see Will and Connor approaching us.

WH: Boys, Logan…

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Short chapter today...
Do you think Logan’s gonna make it?

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