Chapter 5

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Logan's POV

When I come back to others, they all look at me with a mixture of admiration and compassion.

LS: Wow, you're really close to them!

D: They've been there for me all my life so they're all there to look after me. Kind of like big brothers. They'll always be in my life, like you guys.

LS: Ohh, you too will always be part of our family. After all, we are a family here at 51.

Severide comes in and puts an arm over my shoulders.

LS: Come inside.

We all go inside, when I get a message from Alejandro.

Ale: What time is your shift over?

D: In two hours.

The shift's over in five minutes. During those two hours, we didn't get a call, so we all had fun together. I really feel like I'm part of a family. When the bells ring for the end of the shift, I go and change. When I go back to the common room to say goodbye to everyone, I see Oscar.

D: Os', what are you doing here?

OS: I couldn't let my princess go home alone with everything that's going on.

D: Oscar, how many times do I have to tell you I'm not your princess? I know you love me like a father, but I'm not a princess. I'm just an ordinary person.

O: Wait, is that Oscar?

D: Yes. Oscar, a little presentation trying not to scare them?

OS: Okay. I'm the leader of the Latino gang.

D: Oscar!

OS: What? I didn't do anything scary!

D: It's true that it's better than usual...

O: How is that better than usual?

D: Have you ever had a girlfriend?

O: Yeah, why not?

D: I never had a boyfriend because of the gentleman here.

OS: I wasn't the only one.

D: You have a point.

OS: Well, I'm sorry to cut this short, but we have to go as long as we have safe streets.

D: Don't tell me you brought everybody.

OS: No, I have even better.

D: Don't tell me that's what I think?

OS: I don't read your mind, so how can I know? Give me your bag.

D: You know I can carry it myself.

OS: Logan...

I give him my bag, and we go outside. Once outside, I see a red Ferrari. I turn to Oscar who has a big smile on his head, while I see the barracks all shocked.

OS: Here, you drive. I know you love this car.

D: You can drive, it's your car.

OS: No, drive. I want to see if you still know how to drive as well. After all, Pablo taught you how to drive. Sure, gang-style, but we taught you how to drive.

D: Okay, but hang on. See the boys again.

We get in the car and I ride like in a race.

Severide's POV

LS: Well, she knows how to use a car.

H: Yeah, it looks like she's your twin.

LS: I think I would know, wouldn't I?

We all go our own way after we're told to go back.

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