Chapter 18

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Logan POV

On the way to Kelly's house, Pablo, Alejandro and I talk a lot. It feels good to have something that looks like usual, even if nothing will be as usual. My parents came after me again and worse, they came after the people I care about.

My thoughts are stopped when the car stops. I look out the window where we are, and I see an old building, with a door. In front of this building, there are many cars that I recognize as 51.

P: Well, here we are.

A: Can you get there by yourself?

L: Yes, don't worry. Well, I'll go. Thanks again for dropping me off.

I get out of the car, and I go to the door. I don't even have time to knock the door open, and Kelly greets me. As we were going back to his apartment, I see my whole 51 family. They're all very happy to see me on my feet.

During the evening, I chat with a little everyone, I play video games with Cruz and Otis, I meet the family of a little everyone, and I play with the children.

As it gets late, everyone starts to leave. Very quickly, Kelly and I are left. He shows me around the apartment, shows me my room. When we get to this one, he tells me that he's letting me settle down, and he tells me that he's going to provide a small dish to eat, and he leaves.

Once I'm done settling in, I unlock my phone, and I go on the band with everyone, and I send a message. Even if they didn't ask me, I'm sending them a message.

I arrived well and settled in. My entire barracks was there to celebrate the fact that I am well. I also wanted to thank you, you all put your lives on the line to help me. I am forever grateful to you. - Your princess


Logan's fine, and she's at Kelly's. 

I hope you like this chapter and this story. There are 2 chapters left in this story.

See you soon! 

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