Chapter 12 - Breath of Fresh Air

Start from the beginning

I don't know what is wrong with me but I don't think there is any going back. If anything, I think I will only become worse.


She walks into the restaurant and all eyes are on her. Everyone admires what a beautiful woman she is, and I am one of those people. This woman is just too perfect. Her husband doesn't even deserve to look at her or even breathe the same air as her.

She's beautiful, sweet, gentle, and everything anyone would want to be and everything anyone would want to have. I'm one of the fuckers that wants her but she doesn't belong to anyone and won't ever. Not even to her husband.

I stand from my seat when she is close enough and I pull her chair out to help her take a seat.

"Good evening." She gives me that big and beautiful smile that is unique and solely hers.

"Good evening." I respond just taking her in because it wasn't very pleasant to not see her for so long.

"Where did you disappear to?" She asks as we open our menus.

"Missed me? I thought you were faithful to your husband." I look at her, but she doesn't look at me. She's too busy reading the damn menu to put those pretty green eyes on me.

"I missed your company." She says it nonchalantly and I feel like I'm going to go insane.

She can't just say things like that to me. What is making it worse is the fact that she is obviously being completely honest.

"I just don't have friends or anyone to spend time with. I really enjoy your company, so I was a little disappointed that I wasn't hearing from you." She finally looks at me and I now feel like the biggest asshole.

"I'm sorry." It's all I can really say because I can't explain myself.

I can't tell her that I am slowly obsessing over her, and I can't tell her that I disappeared because I don't want to get attached to her and I don't want to hurt her.

"Don't apologize. You must have been busy, and I understand you have a life of your own. The world does not revolve around me." Oh, but it does. It seems that way now that she has come into my life.

"It's just that you don't make me feel small or trapped when I'm around you. I feel free and in a way you're like a breath of fresh air but in human form." That's not something I would expect anyone to tell me and I'm sure it's a compliment.

"I'm sorry for hanging up on you and for what I said earlier. Eric appeared and I had thought he wasn't home." She changes the subject immediately.

"Yeah, I thought that." I say just as a waiter comes to our table.

Lucia and I order our food and he takes the menus. When he leaves Lucia looks at me again. I now realize that I had kept my eyes on her the whole time. It's like she is hypnotizing me or doing some sort of magic to make me act this way with her.

"How can you handle being with someone that you don't love? Especially when he has another woman." I know it's none of my business, but it pisses me off that Eric didn't even try to respect her.

"It's easy when he spends most of his time with her. I don't have to do anything or say anything for him to be happy. I just have to exist and be married to him." She shrugs as if it's nothing.

"I just don't want him to embarrass me publicly or for anyone to find out about his affair. I'm okay with him being with her because she gives him the attention and care that I can't give him." She adds on and I feel some relief to know that she really doesn't give a fuck about the idiot.

I decide that I should change the subject. I don't want to ruin the night and I want to make it up to her that I wasn't around to keep her company.


"Can I consider you a friend now?" Lucia puts her hands into the pockets of her coat.

A friend? A fucking friend?

"If that's what you'd like then of course." It physically pains me to accept it.

She looks at me with a small smile. "You don't like it but it's the most I can offer you."

It's like she can read my mind. I only chuckle because I won't deny that she is right. I don't like it even a little.

"Have you ever fallen in love or thought about falling in love?"

I shake my head in full honesty.

"Same except I have thought about love." She slightly laughs but it sounds a bit bitter. "I know it sounds stupid knowing that my life was basically already planned for me."

"I wanted to fall in love with someone and marry him for love. I wanted to have the most beautiful wedding and I wanted to have a daughter. We would have lived in the house of my dreams and basically I would be happy with my little family for the rest of my life." Her eyes sparkle at her thoughts and her subconscious smile is beautiful.

"I don't know why I ever let myself create such delusions. I cried so much when my father finally told me that I would be getting married." Now she looks so fucking sad and I hate it.

I want to help her now. I'm going to help her.

I am going to set her free from that idiot and I'll make sure she lives her dreams. I'm now determined to also take her away from Eric. I will make sure that she finds that man that she dreams of being with and that the idiot goes on to make her the happiest.


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