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||H A R R Y||

Saturday 1st February, 2014.
10:10am, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire.

"Get UP, you greasy little sausage." I heard Gemma's voice, as deep as ever and sounding like a man as usual. "Get away from me, you man." My hand just stuck up and before I could react, I heard her fall with a thud to the floor.

I couldn't be bothered to help.

"You get up right now, it is your birthday and I am tolerating your stupidity for one day and one day ONLY." A screech left my mouth as her deep voice threatened in my ear, my hand raising in panic for reflex but instead slapping Gemma in the face.

I turned my face, my eyes squinting as my elbows helped me lean up and see Gemma's shocked expression.

"MUM, ARE HARRY'S PANCAKES DONE YET?! I'M GONNA SPIT AND PUT BLEACH IN THE PANCAKE MIX!" Gemma's screaming voice rumbled through the whole house, my head shaking from side to side at my sister and i's wonderful relationship as siblings.

God, I loved her.

Even though she was Gemmazilla, I loved her.

She was great.

I'm probably gonna pass the pancakes though.

Can't take risks when my sister is in the house.

And that was when I decided to get up. It was my birthday and not even Gemma's rather threatening wake up call could ruin it. I was used to her, just not the fact that I was now a year older. 20, to be exact.

And then I'm going to be 21 next year.


My legs made way to the bathroom connected to my room, opening the door and doing my business at the toilet.

As you do.

Once I finished, I did my general routine in the bathroom as everyone else did. soothing water drenched my body and my hair was a floppy mess. My face was clearly shaved and my teeth were brushed of course.

Can't have yellow teeth on the big 20, now can I?

I walked back into my room, going over to my dresser and picking up the deodorant, applying it to my pits. My hands went over to the bottle of after shave, dabbing some onto my cheeks, jaw and the sides of my face. Moisturiser was applied and it was now time to decide my clothes for the day.

After 15 minutes were spent on thinking I had NO clothes for my birthday, I finally found some things to wear. I'd decided on a simple white t-shirt with my slightly old red and black flannel and ending it with my signature black skinny jeans.

Before going downstairs, I put some socks on and decided to put on a bandana to tame the hair that I like to call Mufasa.

Once Mufasa was handled, I finally went downstairs.

"Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine..." I heard a petite voice melodiously sing, a smile on my face knowing that it was little Katie.

I entered the kitchen to see that Katie was sat cross legged on the medium sized breakfast table, Gemma sat on a chair behind her at the head and doing braids within her blonde hair.

Mum took a glance at me and went back to laying some pancakes onto the plates, her stance stern and firm as she ignored me. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair." I sang deeply, sitting at the chair next to Gemma's as Katie giggled sweetly in response. "Happy birthday." She quickly added.

"Why, thank you, Lady Katherine."

"Little Rapunzel is having her hair done by Hair Stylist, Gemma Anne Styles." Gemma over dramatically said, letting one hand let go of Katie's hair and flip her hair. "Amateur." I coughed, resulting with a slap from my angel of a sister.

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