"Hey," Hanma said again as he snapped his fingers right by the girl's ear when she didn't acknowledge him.

"Huh?" Danny looked up to see the tall boy and blushed slightly. "Y-yes?" she squeaked out. Huh, they actually spotted me.

Hanma straightened himself up, towering over the girl. "You've been following us for a while now, what's up with that?"

She gave him a confused look as if she was confused as to what he said. "Ah, um," she furrowed her brows in thought, "I am, uh..." She took out a small booklet titled "Basic Phrases to Know in Japan." She perked up a bit when she found the phrase she was looking for. "I am lost."

Hanma's previous composure was replaced with an annoyed expression. He thought he had read the situation completely wrong. "If you take a left up here there's a train station," he said before walking back toward Kisaki with an annoyed sigh.

"Tailing us, huh?" he asked, sounding unamused as they went back to walking.

"Shut up," he grumbled as he looked back at the girl to see her struggling to fold the sheet of paper. There's no way someone like that could tail us so easily. I really read that one wrong, huh? he thought to himself as they went down an alley.

"That was close..." Danny muttered to herself once the pair of boys were out of sight. And still nothing except a captain of Toman hanging out with the commander of Valhalla, she thought to herself as she started walking back home.

After a few minutes of walking, she came across a red light and had to wait. She looked over after a second to see Chifuyu staring at her with a light blush as he sat on his bike, waiting for the traffic light to turn green.

"Those goo-goo eyes better not be for me," she said with a sweatdrop.

"Huh?! Danny?!" he exclaimed in surprise. He pulled his bike over to her with a look of disbelief. "What are you doing?" he asked in a quieter tone.

"I was tailing Kisaki. He's been hanging out with Hanma."

"Valhalla's commander?"

"Yep. Almost got caught too, but my acting's pretty good," she added with a bit of a smirk. She really was proud of her acting skills.

"You're lucky they didn't see through you," Chifuyu sighed. "Why are you dressed like a girl anyway?"

She blinked at him a couple of times, remembering suddenly that she in fact was wearing girly clothes and that he was one of the people that didn't know. "I'm willing to crossdress if need be."

He sweat-dropped at the answer. He really has some dedication, huh? "Do you need a ride home?"

"Nah, I like walking. Thanks though." The lights turned green. "See ya," she said with a wave as she crossed the street.

"He really looked like a girl..." Chifuyu muttered to himself before driving off. A cute one at that.

She continued walking for a while before she spotted Draken leaning against a wall by a clothing store. Why am I running into everyone today...? she thought to herself with a sweatdrop before catching a glimpse of Emma through the window.

Draken looked up from his phone to see Danny, who he didn't recognize at first approaching. He squinted his eyes, thinking the girl looked familiar as she smiled.

"Hey, Kenny," she greeted with a grin as she stopped next to him.

"Danny?" he asked with a surprised look. "This is definitely a change. What's the occasion?"

"Just finished a girl's outing with Sayu," she effortlessly lied. "It was a western-styled 60s restaurant and she wanted to go all-out," she added with a chuckle. They actually went to a place like that last week, so at least the place existed. Nowadays Japan is really starting to popularize Western-styled things. "Are you waiting for Emma?"

"Yeah, she wanted to grab a few things. I'm not a fan of shopping, so I'm waiting."

She nodded before hearing the door to the store open. Emma came out with a couple of bags. 

"Draken, I'm..." she trailed off as she spotted Danny, who smiled at her and waved. "Who's this?"

"This might as well be a disguise, huh?" Danny chuckled.

A look of realization came upon Emma's face. "Wow, that is crazy," she giggled. "I didn't even recognize you, Danny."

"The power of being gender fluid I guess," Draken added.

After a couple more minutes of chatting, they parted ways. And without running into anyone else she knew, Danny safely made it home. "I'm home!" she announced as she took off her shoes.

"Hey, Daju, I..." Tekemichi trailed off when he caught sight of his sister. He rubbed at his eyes, thinking he was seeing things, but he wasn't. "Why are you dressed like that?" he asked as she stood back up straight.

"Stalking Kisaki, what else?" she nonchalantly asked as he walked past him into the bathroom, leaving the door open.

"Oh, right," he muttered, remembering she had said something about that before. "Did you find anything?" he asked as he poked his head into the doorway to see her taking off the wig.

"Just that he's hanging around Hanma, the guy leading Valhalla. I don't think that's enough to get him thrown out though." Having the wig and other things off, she went to leave the bathroom, making Takemichi step to the side.

"It wouldn't hurt if you brought it up to Mikey though," Takemichi suggested as he followed her up the stairs.

She stopped with a thoughtful look. "Yeah, I guess it wouldn't. I have a few pictures after all... I'll see if Mikey can meet up with me later." She continued to her room.

~Fuck me. Welp, now I get to have some fun redoing some chapters:)  If you're wondering, I was just gonna have it go like the original, but now... Hahaha... Yaaaay. But, now I get to completely rewrite some stuff. Until next time, I'm just gonna regret some choices for now before I get back to writing. Bye-bye:)~

Also, 200 reads!!

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