"Liddy and I are barely friends. She's Harper's nanny, that's it. Honestly, I am not ready to be dating anyone right now. I have only been divorced for a year. Harper is still very young and I need to concentrate on her and my career. I don't have time for a girlfriend. I ask that you PLEASE, respect that." My head hurts so badly right now. It feels like it could explode.

I grab a box of tissues and set them next to Kelly. She looks defeated. I feel bad that I was so blunt, but I don't want to give her any false hope that we could be more than friends. She isn't my type. She's pretty on the outside, but I don't see any beauty on the inside. I want to find someone who has both, qualities. Liddy immediately comes to mind.

"Are you sure Hunter, that you only want to be friends?"

"Yes, Kelly I am very sure. You need to stop thinking about me, and start looking for your Mr. Right. He's out there somewhere. "Are you ok? Do I need to go get Jessica?"

"I am fine. I would like to go to bed though. Would you mind showing me to my bunk?"

"No problem. Follow me."

Liddy's POV

The plane flight was uneventful, thankfully. Harper fell asleep just like I thought. Now, she is awake and a boundless source of energy. She can't stop chatting about seeing Grammy and Grampy.

"Hey sweetie, look over there." I point to my left at Leo and Lynette who are standing next to a bench. They see us and wave. I wave back. Once I know Harper won't bump into anyone, I let go of her hand. She instantly runs into Lynette's open arms. I stop for a second and text Hunter that we landed safely and are now with his parents. Then I walk over to greet them.

"How was your flight?" Leo asks before giving me a hug.

"It was fine. No turbulence at all, hallelujah." I lean over and hug Lynette who has passed a wiggly Harper off to her grandfather.

"Are you hungry? Leo and I wanted to take you two out for dinner before we drop you off at your car and then take Harper over to her mom's house."

"That would be nice." I say with a smile. I love Hunter's parents. They are the nicest people in the whole wide world.

"Great! It gives us a chance to catch up."

"Well, let's get going. " Leo says while bending down to pick up both Harper's and my luggage. "The parking garage is this way."

"The last time I skyped with Hunter, he said that you've started potty training with Harper. How is she doing?

"Yes, we have. She is doing really well. I won't lie. Potty training on a bus isn't the easiest thing I've ever done, but we are managing. Hunter and the band have been such a help. Your son is a wonderful father. Harper wouldn't be doing nearly as well as she is on her training, if it wasn't for him. Whenever she says the word "potty" He literally drops everything and goes running. It's really quite cute."

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