You change your keyblade into a hammer as you swing it upward. Knocking the machine into the air.

Then you backflip up into the air as you change your keyblade into a katana like weapon, then swiftly draw and sheath it with light speed, slashing through the machine.

Then the both of you land as it slams on the ground, you land and junp backwards with a backflip as your keyblade reverts.

The machine beeps as it speaks.

"Opponent is stronger than anticipated, disengaging power limiter"

The Machine stands up as you suddenly released a loud robotic howl. It's head started to glow red as it's chainsaw began to glow orange with heat.

Then it quickly seemed to fix itself as it stood tall against you.

"Commencing extermination" the machine said. You nod to it "good luck"

The fight continues as the Machine starts the next phase with a special move.

It jumped at you and quickly used its robotic paws to above you back as you stumble. Then as it was backflipping, it sliced you with it's tail straight up.

You fell back against the wall before it landed and finished its move as a small number if micromissles fired from it's shoulder as they hit you and exploded.

Sending you crashing through the wall as you land with a roll before you stand up and lean back as you suddenly sit on a stool.

You groan as you shake your head "that's a bad dog..." your keyblade vanished as a bunch if people turned to look at you. Then a bartender leaned over

"I see you've met one of the Hounds. A real nasty bunch if units they are"

You wave your hand "yea yea..."

You stand up from the stool as the machine jumps through the hole and over the bar counter as it faces you.

"You will not survive" it says as it gets low.

You dust off your jacket before you point at it "fuck you fido" you mumble before you enter your stance.

The canera focuses on both of you from the side, you on the left, and then the machine in the right.

Your health appears on the left corner as the machines health appears on the right. As well as a second smaller bar for a power gauge.

The crowd in the background gather around as they watch. Drunken fools all of them.

"All this for a kid past his curfew..." you shake your head as you mumble.


The machine walks toward you as it swings it's tail once. You take the for before you quickly lunge forward as you summon your keyblade and swung it downwards. You hit the machine as you continue your combo as you you swing it outward to your right side, then you finish your combo as you spin and slam it down as you knock the machine back.

Your keyblade vanished as you walked toward it. A prompt appeared as the machine used it. It quickly spun as kicked a chair at you as it broke apart as you step back.

Then it ran forward and used its own combo.

It hit you with a double slash from it's tail, then it jumped with a backflip as it micked you away.

You fly up and then hit the ground as you roll backward to recover. Then you attack as you run to the right as you attack it.

You perform a new combo, you summon your keyblade as you swing it upward and knock it into the air, then you change your keyblade into a hammer as you perform an overhead strike and slam the machine back onto the ground, then you finish as you change your hammer into a spear as you stab it with an upward thrust as you skewer it, then you quickly turn and spin as you fling it off your spear as it lands and rolls to recover.

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