Chapter 15

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"Namjoon?" Eunyoung softly calls him.

He's pulled back from staring into space. "Sorry, I was just thinking." He apologizes.

Eunyoung laughs. "It's no problem. So, are you free this weekend? I think I'm going to plan a trip out of town for a couple of days, you're free, right?"

"I think so, I'll check and tell you tomorrow." Namjoon replies, sipping on his coffee. There he sits in the same café that he tutors Taehyung in. Sometimes he catches himself waiting for one of your jabs and comments but they never come. He feels a bit lonely without them. Wait. No, the contract is complete so he's on his own from now on.

About an hour later, the two of them leave the café. Together they walk a little aways to an apartment building by the campus. Eunyoung turns to him. "Let me know soon so my friends and I can make reservations."

At the mention of friends, Namjoon is a little unsure. He knows you would have a look on your face. You still hate them. Or did. He isn't sure if you're thinking about him since after all, this was a contract. "Sure, I'll let you know." He smiles and he hopes there's no more questions.

Eunyoung nods and gives him a kiss on the cheek before disappearing into the building. He stands there for a bit before finally walking back to his apartment. He takes his time walking there, alone with his thoughts. Once he enters the apartment, Seokjin looks up from his laptop. His eyes glance at the time. "You're home early."

"Yeah." Namjoon replies and starts off in the direction of his room.

"Are you okay?" Seokjin says. "You've been off these past few days."

Namjoon stops in his tracks and turns around. "I'm okay. I'm just thinking about things."

"Why? Do you regret going out with Eunyoung?" Seokjin questions his friend. There's a concerned expression written across his face. "I thought you would be ecstatic ever since you decided to try and confess to her." Namjoon sometimes forgets that the contract messed with some memories a little. 

Namjoon nods. "I know but I'm not sure."

"Well be sure to figure out what you're feeling and break it off as soon as possible." Seokjin replies.

Namjoon doesn't say anything and heads off into his room. Once inside his room, he sighs. It's been a couple of days since you left. The only person who is still familiar with your name is Taehyung. Everyone else has forgotten - okay, it might just be Seokjin who else knew you, but it's still off-putting. Even Taehyung doesn't seem to remember a few things - like he'll forget your name in a sentence but later in the day seems to recall it. It's coming slowly but surely.

Namjoon is worried he's going to forget you soon. He remembers faintly at the end of the contract - all memories of said demon will disappear over time.

No, no. He accidentally summoned you and he wishes you were around. And... shit. He might have a small crush on you or he's missing you terribly. It was most likely the moment when you stood against Eunyoung's friends in his defense. Despite being a demon, you had strong morals and along with weaknesses. He can't tell what these feelings are.

Determined, Namjoon heads to his computer and opens the assignment he was working on when he summoned you. He finds his assignment and looks through the sentences he struggled with. Alright, now what else was there?

He tries to recall back to the day when he first summoned you. Hm...

Ah, a candle!

Namjoon lights up the candle that he first used, the vanilla scent wafting through the air. All he needs to do now is say the sentence. He isn't sure which words are for summoning you but he repeats the whole sentence; "I like nature and trying to summon a demon. Plants are my favorite things and I offer my soul to the demon."

Like before, the lights start flickering and the candle flame goes out. A smoke enters the room but it isn't yours. The different colored - is it a dark blue? no, aqua it seems - smoke rises and he awaits for whoever it is. It's the familiar person from before - when you left.

There's no expression on his face. "I thought it was you." He sighs, an annoyed expression on his face. "What? Paradise is not going well? What do you want, human?"

Namjoon swallows his cowardice and sets a firm look on the demon before him. "I want Y/N back here on Earth and without all the pain that causes it."

The demon before him is silent. He's staring at Namjoon, the endless pools of black. "You... What is it you request? Are you insane?"

Namjoon is determined. "No. I want what I requested."

The demon frowns. "You know," He stares down Namjoon. "If I do happen to make this request, you might not have it. You might have to deal with the 'one' if you understand my meaning."

Namjoon has a feeling and he'll admit it. He's absolutely terrified. But he's going to do this. It might be a reckless decision but he decided that he's going to get you back. "I think I do and I'm prepared."

"What a dumb human." The demon says and yet, he still snaps his fingers. Smoke appears and a contract is floating in the air. All seems fine until it isn't. All of a sudden, there's bursts of another smoke but this one... Namjoon could practically feel the menacing power behind it.

The demon in front of him sighs but also looks a bit frightened. "I do hope you're happy with this decision."

Before Namjoon could ask anything else, the menacing smoke envelopes him and he feels lightheaded. He passes out for a moment but comes back quickly. He blinks and finds himself in an unfamiliar room. A very unfamiliar room.

Namjoon quickly sits up and sees the demon that was with him bow respectfully. "I did try explaining to the human but he's stubborn."

Namjoon's eyes travel towards...

The contract is in its hands. Their pure red eyes locked with Namjoon. "Greetings, human. You are the one who wishes to take one of my demons back, yes?" For a moment, Namjoon doesn't register what's happening. "Ah, I see. Your human brain is too fragile but you humans mainly call me the Devil."

The Devil smiles, showing off pointy teeth that Namjoon doesn't know what to say. "I do say that you're quite a brave human for even daring this request. I wish to know more."

Summoned for Love | k.nj auWhere stories live. Discover now