Chapter 8

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You were turned into a demon way well before the decade of 2020. So you're unfamiliar with the term and possibly a few other terms but you're great at inferring. Sometimes.

Now your mind is working on deciphering the meaning. Hm, it has to do something related to romance...

But what could it be? Ugh, this sort of hurts your head. For the remainder of the session, you sat there in silence.

Namjoon was afraid. Right now, he assumes that you're thinking of ways to scam more coffee or something similar. Then again, last time you were silent, you passed out and seemed distraught. Every once in a while, he sneaks glances in a casual way that he hopes isn't too weird.

He can't come up with an excuse for why he keeps looking to his side. Can't even say he's looking at people walking by when there's a brick wall to his left.

Finally, the hour is up and he slowly packs up his things. Taehyung is already finished and flashing him a smile. "Thanks hyung. You're a great teacher."

"No problem." Namjoon waves it off, still a bit unsettled by your silence. "Just text me if you still need help."

"I definitely will!" Taehyung stands up. "See you!" Then he leaves the café.

He's in the clear now. Namjoon looks at you and sees that you're deep in thought. He's hesitant to ask at first since your deep-in-thought face looks like you're irritated but he musters up his courage and speaks up. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need more sleep or something...?"

His voice catches your attention. Your eyes flick over to him. "Oh no, I'm fine." You reassure him. "I'm just thinking."

"Thinking about the plan?" Namjoon believes it's something to do with the contract.

That's when an expression he usually never sees crosses your face. Hesitation. "No, it's not." You admit and it sounds like you don't want to explain further.

"Oh." Namjoon awkwardly taps his fingers against the table. "Is something bothering you then?"

A frown appears on your face. "Tell me," You look serious now. "What the hell is a simp?"

Namjoon stares at you like you've grown a second head. "You've been trying to figure out the meaning of simp this whole time?"

You nod, determined to get your answer but he simply laughs. And continues to do so. You frown, obviously a bit embarrassed at your lack of understanding. "I-It's not that funny!" You snap but not too harshly.

"I'm sorry." His laughter calms down. "I never thought a demon would be trying to learn what a simp is."

"I'm trying to keep up with the times." You unknowingly pout. It happens when you feel embarrassed.

Finally, Namjoon stops laughing completely. You, for once, have a different expression on your face besides that teasing grin you usually wear. "W-Well," He begins. "A simp is basically someone who shows excessive attention for another person, who usually doesn't share the same feelings. That person also usually does it for a relationship or something similar."

You nod along. "I see." Then you murmur to yourself. "That makes a lot of sense. But who came up with the word?"

"Not sure." Namjoon admits. "But you can look it up later."

"Look it up?" A frown appears again. "That means I would have to go to the library or something. Don't you have a computer?"

Namjoon admits defeat and hands you his phone. Blankly, you look at it like you've never seen one before. He watches you as you turn the device and your eyebrows furrow. "Don't you have a phone with a keyboard?"

"A keyboard...?"

"Yeah." You tap the back of the phone. "You know, you slide it out when you want to type something."

It clicks in Namjoon's mind. "Ah, well phones with keyboards went out of style a few years ago."

"Really?" You ask with surprise. "But they were surprisingly popular though."

He's hesitant to ask. But he wants to know. "Do you mind me asking," He pauses, gauging your curious expression. "Were you a human before you were a demon...?"

"Yes I was." You reply. "I don't remember my past life but I can recall some things like a phone with a keyboard. Or how there were these tiny things made," You use your fingers to demonstrate a small box. "To just play music."

Slowly, it's falling a bit into place. "Then, did you become a demon around the 2000's?"

You stay quiet; eyes are spaced out. "I-I'm not sure. I can only recall some items. I feel only a little bit of my memories and I'm not sure if I want to remember them."

"Oh." Namjoon replies. "I'm sorry to bring that up."

Now there's a weird pause in the conversation. For once, you're not sure what to say and Namjoon's being his awkward self. But you quickly break it, turning on your usual self. "Well, I'm going to explore some more. I'll be back tomorrow for your class."

"Oh okay, yeah." He strings together a bunch of words, a bit surprised at your change in attitude. You give him a wink and with a snap of your fingers, you disappear into a cloud of (f/c). He sits there for a bit, processing what happened.

For now, Namjoon won't bring up anything in your life and focus more on the contract.

You bite the inside of your cheek. Staring at a building across the road, you tap your fingers against the sidewalk. You were crouched down and why? You're not sure either.

The conversation with Namjoon earlier was making you feel... uneasy? Is that the word you would use?

It's making you think.

Sure, you can recall Seoul a bit after all you've been here a few times with your contracts and exploring when it took a while for a human to decide. But... the items that you're now recalling? You've never been able to do that before. Or even the time of when you became a demon.

Ah, it's probably because of your time spent here and the time you passed out. You wonder if other demons felt similar to this. Perhaps you should question it some more. Calling for the raven, you waited a bit until ripples appeared and the raven flew out of the ground. It cawed at you, waiting for its note.

You snapped your fingers and paper with a pen appeared. You wrote out your message to Yeojun saying;

Another question to ask, can't you tell me the effects for remembering your past human life?

Simple, but straight to the point. You know he's going to ask a question but you need some answers. You fold the note up and hover it near the raven. The raven takes it in its beak. "Send this to Yeojun, please." You ask and with a ruffle of feathers, the raven disappears back to the underworld.

Now you wait.

You lean against the building behind you and watch the people walking around. You see some old ladies gossiping near a storefront, teenagers giggling as they crowd around each other, young men loading something into the back of a truck, a few families walking and some couple holding hands.

Your eyes glance down at yourself. Your body is frozen in time. These people were out and about enjoying life. You still continue to watch them, feeling a bit unsure of yourself. These are emotions that haven't been with you in awhile. It's welcoming back some old friends.

After a few minutes, the ripples start and the raven has returned. You take the note from its beak and open it.

I thought I told you this last time. The memories will damage you mentally. I can try and find if that's all there is but it's the main effect. It'll take a while so don't expect answers anytime soon.

You stare at the note. You sigh in frustration and glance at the raven who is awaiting further instruction. "Thanks, you may go." The raven caws and disappears through the portal once more.

You're going to wait patiently and see if Yeojun finds anything in the archives. And you'll do it like how you're being patient with this new contract of yours.

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