Chapter 9

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"I'm having a party this weekend." Eunyoung said once they're wrapping up the tutoring session.

You smirk at Namjoon who didn't believe your words earlier. You just followed Eunyoung for a bit and after one class, you could see how happy she was smiling at her phone. Curiously, you looked over her shoulder and saw messages.

The word party stood out to you the most and from what you gathered, it's Eunyoung's birthday this weekend and she's having a party. Damn, people really typed fast on these phones. Eagerly, with this new information, you snapped your fingers and appeared in Namjoon's bedroom.

And he wasn't here.

Hm, Namjoon didn't tell you he was going anywhere so this was strange. That is, until the door opened and in came Namjoon.

He jumped at your presence, sending you a glare. You smiled, and you connected the dots. He was only taking a shower! He was drying his hair when he walked in. Still, you had to tell him the news. "So Eunyoung's birthday is this weekend," You watch his reaction. He simply gives you a look so you continue. "And I think she will be inviting you to her party."

"And how do you know that?" Namjoon asks and walks over to his closet.

"I just do." You sound confident in your answer since you actually don't know if she's inviting him. To you, it seems like they're great classroom buddies and you had a feeling that she would.

Namjoon looks over his shoulder as he finds some comfortable clothes to wear. "That doesn't sound convincing."

"You'll see."

And that's why you have the most arrogant and knowing look on your face. You also know Namjoon can't send a glare or say something to you since Eunyoung is talking to him at the moment. But you know he feels your smugness.

"Here, enter your number so I can text it to you later." Eunyoung hands out her phone.

Namjoon nervously takes it and slowly inputs his number. You watch him with an amused smile. Then he finally hands back Eunyoung her phone. "I'll send you the details later." She smiles at him. Then she takes her leave.

You watch her go for a while and finally turn back to Namjoon. Awaiting for his reaction, you continue to stare at him. Namjoon still refuses to look at you. But you patiently wait as you know he has to at some point.

And finally he does.

It seems like he doesn't want to admit it. You lean back in the chair and give him a lop-sided grin. You have to tease him now. "Alright, you can admit I'm the greatest love coach out there." You awaited your praise.

Namjoon simply gives you a glare but you know he doesn't mean it. "You're so arrogant."

"I can't help that it's my charming point." You reply.

"Maybe." He says. You raise an eyebrow at one of his rare agreements. This invite must have shaken his heart or brain. You're not sure. Then he turns to you. "What gift do I get...?"

Oh, Namjoon has a long way to go.

"Here, buy something!" Namjoon throws his credit card at your face.

It's a rare moment that you're taken off guard since you're reading a book. His card lands on your lap as you watch him rush around the apartment. "Dude, where's the fire? This is the second time you've thrown something at my face." You grab the card.

"I'm really late!" Namjoon returns with his backpack from his room. He went to bed late as he was studying in the living room last night. You were casually out in the living room reading when you got interrupted. "I have about three exams today and I have no time to get a present!"

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