Chapter 6

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What is this?

The streets feel familiar but you don't know where you are.

When you look at your reflection in a window, you jump back with shock. You don't feel the aura around you or even see your horns. You also look a lot younger; almost like a child. Your breath becomes shaky and you don't know what to do. Is this your punishment for trying to outlast your energy?

What's happening?

Suddenly, a hand rests on your shoulder. You flinch and look towards the person. Your eyebrows furrow as their face is blurry. Around them feels fuzzy but you can't make out a single feature on their face.

Who is this?

"Are you okay?" Their voice is distorted but you can hear the worry in their tone. "It's okay, Y/N. It's just a scrape. Let's go home and fix you up, sweetheart."

Do you know them?

Suddenly, a flash of pain whacks you across the head and you cry out from pain. It hurts so much! You cradle your head in your hands and the person beside them with worry. "Y/N! What's wrong?!"

What is happening?! Tears are welling up in the corners of your eyes. Honestly, this was worse than the one time you accidentally touched hellfire.

The person's voice continues to yell your name in that distorted voice which is grating to your ears now. Slowly, the person's voice starts to transform into a familiar voice. Confusion leads you to looking up at the person.

It was Namjoon's voice.

Something that you knew.

Your eyes shut and next thing you know, a gasp leaves your mouth. Your eyes fly open and in a scramble, you quickly sit up with your forehead knocking into something. There's a muffled "ow" to your right but your eyes are trying to focus on what's ahead of you.

It's... a window. Okay. That's normal. You've seen this window and curtain many times when you take a break from reading. It's in Namjoon's living room. You tear your gaze away to see it's the familiar living room and the man himself who is rubbing his forehead.

It takes you for a moment to get your breathing even and shaking under control.

Even then, Namjoon just stays there and is hesitating on whether or not to rub your back in a comforting way. He decides against it and waits for you to calm down a little.

Once you feel that you're okay, you turn to Namjoon. There's still a concerned look on his face and you force a smile on your face. "Sorry I scared you."

A frown appears on his features. "Don't apologize. It was because you overexerted yourself, right?"

"I think so." You tear your gaze away from him. "I haven't been long on Earth to experience this so I can't say for sure."

A sigh escapes from him. "Well, let's not do this again, okay? I'm sorry."

You shake your head. "No, that was me."

There's a standoff between the two of you before Namjoon stands down. "Well, continue resting, you need about three more hours."

Your eyes go wide with surprise. You've been asleep that long? Now that you look a little closer, Namjoon looks a bit exhausted. Before you can say anything, he's up and walking back to his room. There he pauses to say, "Oh by the way, my roommate and one of my friends actually saw you."

Oh, it's nothing important.

It clicks.


You continue sleeping and you guess the full twelve hours are up since your eyes shoot open automatically. Carefully, you sit up and try to remember the nightmare you had. You're still not sure what it means.

"How are you feeling?" Namjoon asks.

You whip your head to where he stands in the kitchen. "I'm okay." You say and then remember what he said yesterday. "Oh, and you mean that your roommate saw me...?"

He nods. "That's what I was going to ask. Could you show yourself to him and the friend I mentioned? They were worried about you yesterday." He doesn't mention how Seokjin arrived home yesterday and almost scared Namjoon by stumbling in with groceries.

You think that's a fair compromise.

"Yeah." Your eyes flicker about. "Is he here now...?"

"He's in the shower." Namjoon replies and you snap your fingers. A (f/c) smoke appears and disappears in a flash. Since you gained back your energy, you went back to your demon form.

Your horns are gone and along with your eyes. They've changed back to how you were a human from before. Namjoon is a bit shocked by how less intimidating you look. Especially without the eyes.

So, you patiently wait as Namjoon's roommate is out of the shower. You do your best to be as friendly as possible. "Hi!" You stand up to greet him. "Thank you for letting me stay the night."

Your friendliness must be effective since a smile appears on his face. "No worries! I'm just glad that you're okay. Did you need any medicine? Or breakfast? I was planning on making some."

You politely decline. "That's okay, I have to get going anyways. I'll see you later." You directed the last question to Namjoon. You waved good-bye and headed out of the apartment. Devil, you're a bit awkward when you're in your human form.

Quickly, you revert back to your original state. This felt so much better! Now, you frowned as fragments of that night came back. You may need a little assistance from your co-worker it seems. With a snap of your fingers, you instantly transport back to the place from where you were in the park.

Another snap of your fingers serves as a summoning device for paper and pencil and a signal for the raven. You write out your note asking Yeojun what happens to a demon if they overexert their energy. It's a simple way to start the conversation and you know that Yeojun will press for more information but you're not ready to give it up yet.

As soon as you finish the note, the raven appears. Its beady eyes wait for you as you tie the note to its leg. "To Yeojun." You say. The raven caws and like from before, flies into the air and dives into the ground. The ripples of the portal appear and then disappear in an instant.

You lean back against the tree. For now, you're going to see if you can piece the information by yourself. A few minutes pass and you come up empty. Thankfully, it's during this time the raven rushes through the portal and lands.

You take the note from its leg and read it:

Let me guess, you overexerted yourself? Well, if I assume correctly, you run out of energy to do anything or even summon. But I will have you know that some fragments from your human life return.

Though it sounds good, there's a dangerous warning. The more time you spend on Earth, the more you need to sleep. And your human memories will return but I will recommend not to. Your human memories can destroy you mentally.

I suggest doing your contract as quickly as possible.

- Yeojun

You bit the inside of your cheek. Your human memories can destroy you...? Who the hell made that? This is something you've never learned. And you're unsure if you can finish this contract quickly. 

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