Chapter 3

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"Alright and that concludes plan A." You stood there with a bright smile on your face. Behind you was a large whiteboard which you scribbled plan A onto.

"I'm sorry." He holds out a hand. "You want me to save her from a beast you're going to conjure that's going to eat her?!"

A light frown appears on your features. "Well when you put it like that..."

"That's a no!"

"Fine then." You wiped away plan A. "I happened to see that scene of the drama she was watching and she was swooning over it!" You defended your case.

"I'm surprised you know what a drama is." Namjoon leans back against his bed.

You shoot him a glare. "Hey, there were dramas even when I was alive!"

Your answer has him a little bit stunned. Alive? You were alive before becoming a demon? He wants to ask more questions, but at the same time, he kind of wants to get this over with. He's drowned in his own thoughts as you flick him on the forehead.

"Ow!" He responds, rubbing at the mark.

"Sorry," You grin. "I must have hit too hard." Then you cross your arms. "Okay, I'll tell you plan B tomorrow! It looks like you're out of it today."

"What a nice way to put it." He grumbles while you simply laugh. Hopefully, the plan goes well tomorrow!

"Just go for it." You hissed. Even though you didn't really deal with love (leave that up to the angels), you could see this was a perfect opportunity! Namjoon needed a table to sit at and she was by herself!

Namjoon was spooked as you grabbed onto his arm earlier. A mischievous smile on your face and eyes were practically sparkling with excitement. He dreaded the plan that you came up with. Basically offer to be her tutor in a subject she was struggling in but first that he needed to become at least class friends. Whatever the hell you meant by that.

"I-I can't!" He whispered.

You rolled your eyes. "It's a perfect excuse! Say, 'Can I sit here? There's no other tables.' How hard is it?!"

"Very!" Namjoon looked nervous and clutched the book closer to his chest.

Before you could say anything else, a honey-like voice interrupted. "I didn't think a demon was helping a human with love but it's true."

Both of you turned around to see the one thing you disliked. An angel. You rolled your eyes. "What? A demon can't help a human fall in love, Jimin?"

Jimin smiled but it upset you. Angels were a bit manipulative. "Well, what do demons know about love, Y/N?"

"A lot more than being a manipulative little shit." You growled. There was a feud between you and Jimin. Sure, there was an automatic dislike (but neutral) stance between demons and angels but him... He keeps looking down on you!

"I'm a bit offended, Y/N." He half-heartedly placed a hand against his chest.

"Does it look like I care?" You narrowed your eyes at him. "If you try to intervene with my contract, I'll make sure to rip your little wings off after the legal ways first." You threatened.

Another smile appeared on his face. This time you could sense the malicious intent behind it. "Oh, I wouldn't dare. Anyways, I wanted to see for myself if it was true. See you around, Y/N." He waved and then a dim light shone through his body as he left for their realm.

"Damn angels..." You growled.

"So there really are angels?" Namjoon couldn't believe what he witnessed. Then again why was he questioning it? He made a contract to have a demon as his love coach!

"Yes. Now get your ass over there and ask to sit there!" Perhaps it was because your anger was still present from the angel but Namjoon actually listened!

He made his way over and thanks to your excellent hearing, you heard him ask her to sit there! Namjoon took a seat but he looked so nervous. Releasing a sigh, you walked over there and Namjoon glanced at you in surprise. "Just be calm."

Since he didn't want to look like a weirdo talking to himself, he wrote a bunch of question marks on his notebook. A roll from your eyes, you let your hand rest on the tip of the pencil and broke the lead. His eyes went wide and in another snap of your fingers, his sharpener was in your palm.

"Ask her for a pencil or sharpener!" You said and propped your head with your hand. Damn, you were so smooth.

Namjoon visibly gulped and with all his courage, asked Eunyoung; "Uh... d-do you have a sharpencil I can borrow?"

Did he just... combine the words sharpener and pencil?! You wanted to bang your head against a wall. Looks like you were going to be stuck in the mortal realm for the next ten years at this rate! Okay, it's a detail that you forgot to overlook. Namjoon is quite a nervous and quiet person. Yep, that's what made this plan sort of work despite the confusion.

"I-I'm sorry?" Eunyoung asked, quite confused.

"I meant a sharpener or pencil!" Namjoon's face was flushed with embarrassment. You giggled and he shot you a look.

"I think I have an extra pencil." She searched in her bag and retrieved it. "Here you go."

He took it and thanked her. Now it was back to awkward silence. Then he wrote down in his notebook; "What do I do now?!"

You winked. "Just work for a bit and when she's ready to leave, hand the pencil back to her and say that you have class as well. Easy-peasy."

Namjoon sighed and did his work. You patiently waited, eyes never straying from Eunyoung. Yeah, it made you look a bit creepy but you're waiting for the right moment. And that moment is... now! You kicked Namjoon's leg.


He accidentally hit the table with his knee. You flashed him an apologetic smile as he actually managed to give her back the pencil! You're so proud.

As she left, Namjoon turned to you. "And what exactly makes her fall in love?"

"Patience, young grasshopper. You just have to chillax." You leaned back in the chair, crossing your arms. "You see, this gets you on a level of friends. Not acquaintances but "hey, I've seen you in my class before", you know?"

No, he did not know.

As he gave you a look of disbelief, you waved your hand. "Trust me, with my help, you'll be getting her to be your girlfriend within the next couple of months, okay?"

Namjoon slowly regrets taking Latin classes now.

Well damn.

He didn't think it was working that well.

Eunyoung had actually greeted him in class! It's been about three days since he asked to borrow a pencil and Eunyoung did a double-take when she saw him in class. After a quick reassurance that it was the same person from the library, she introduced herself.

Smugly, you sat beside him, giving him a knowing look. Nope. He's not looking at you. A triumphant smile was plastered on your face the whole time. Alright, maybe it was like an annoying know-it-all smirk but you couldn't help it! You're going to be the best love coach that has ever graced Earth.

Summoned for Love | k.nj auOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz