Chapter 11

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"Dance?" Namjoon is unsure of your proposal.

"Yeah," You look at the crowd of people who are currently dancing. "It'll be fun and you need a break!"

He still doesn't look convinced.

"Or we can sit here and drink." You offer another path for him since you don't really want to pressure him. "It doesn't matter to me."

He seems to be thinking about it before nodding his head. "Okay. Yeah, let's dance."

You're a bit surprised since Namjoon is a little reserved. Still, you jokingly hand out your hand like you were in some fantasy ballroom dance. Namjoon gives you a look but still takes it. You power on, dragging him to the dance floor right in the middle from the prying eyes of Eunyoung's friends.

Are you the world's greatest dancer?

Nope. But you start jumping up and down and see the awkward Namjoon in front of you. Playfully rolling your eyes, you grab his wrists. He stiffens under your touch but a few swings of his arms and you happily dancing to the music you've never heard, he relaxes. Finally he starts to let loose with a giant smile on his face, making the dimples pop out. You freeze for a moment, seeing the happiness etched on his face.

He hardly has this expression on his face.

Sure, he's smiled but nothing that was truly this happy. A part of you is selfish. It wants to only have this expression for yourself. What are you thinking? Snap out of it! And you do. What's with you lately?

Still, your main priority is to get Namjoon to his usual self without the worries of others and then try and make progress with the contract. It sounds good to you.

A new song changes and you think you recognize it. Somewhere in a distant memory and- Oh. A new memory. You put on a fake smile to not worry Namjoon as this new memory takes over a bit. Thankfully, Namjoon is still letting you hold onto him.

"This is the song I was talking about! Let's go!" An unfamiliar person is in front of you, dragging you onto the dance floor. You could feel your memory self break into a wide grin.

Like a quick flash, you're back in the present. Now that's quite an odd memory. You're not even sure where that came from. He must sense how your movements became a little stiff and unsure of themselves.

"Are you okay?" He frowns a bit.

"Yeah, sorry, the atmosphere here got me a little dizzy." You hope he buys that excuse.

Namjoon nods although it seems like he doesn't fully trust you. He knows of some underlying fact it's with the memories. Still, you continue to dance for a while and by the end of it, Namjoon looks like he cheered up a little. It's when you take him back to the bar to rest for a bit that you feel someone approaching. You glance over your shoulder to see it's Eunyoung.

Well, here goes nothing. You better get your head in the game even though you have your doubts.

"Say 'thanks for inviting me, it's a great party.'" You whisper to Namjoon.

He seems dumbfounded and is about to ask you when her voice interrupts. "Hi Namjoon," she says and the two of you turn around. Her eyes then flicker from Namjoon to you.

Namjoon greets her and repeats what you said earlier. Then when Eunyoung's eyes rest fully on you, you introduce yourself. She nods and then does something that your contract was rooting for but you're feeling unsure about it. "Did you want to dance?" She asks Namjoon.

Oh no. Namjoon stopped working again. You subtly kick his shin and that startles him into nodding and joining Eunyoung on the dance floor. There you lean against the bar, watching them. You feel a bit lonely now, like a stranger watching from the outside.

You tear your eyes away and ask for another drink from the bartender. Instead you watch the bartender instead of looking back. You're sure Namjoon could handle himself for a while. At last, the bartender slides you the drink and rushes to get someone else who's getting their attention. You start sipping at it.

It's when you're halfway through your drink that you're ready to throw it at him.

"I'm surprised you can drink that stuff." Jimin says with a slight teasing in his tone.

"And what are you doing here?" You set an angry glare on him.

Jimin leans against the bar - a weird picture to be honest. His white clothes stand out against the party scene and lean against one of "sins". He smiles. "I was checking up on you."

You roll your eyes, vaguely aware that you're now talking to "no one". Thankfully, people must assume you're drunk with the drink in your hand. "Oh really? Why are you angels so damn interested in a demon who's doing a contract?"

"Like I told you before, it's very odd." Jimin replies. "Demons don't understand the first thing about human emotions."

"We're not some creatures that don't have emotions." You snap at him. Other people glance at your antics. Great, it definitely looks like you're going crazy. That damn angel.

Jimin shrugs, not bothering to entertain you further on this subject. "It looks like you're making some progress." He comments but you ignore him. You don't need some angel telling you on how much progress you're making. You already know that. "Why, they're even kissing right now."

Confused, you whipped your head to see them talking in the corner. "You little shit. Don't mess with me." You angrily grumble.

A laugh comes from the angel. "By that reaction, to me, it seems like you like the human."

"Of course." You reply. "He's a nice human and different from my previous contracts. So, you can scurry off now." You wave your hand like he's some annoying fly. Well, he is.

"Not in a friendly way but perhaps as in a romantic type of way?"

You choke on your drink. While you're trying to stop, Jimin is smiling all the while. No wonder why you want to fight him most of the time. Once you finally do stop, you set a glare on him. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Jimin simply shrugs as his eyes glance around the place. "I'm just commenting on an observation I made."

"It's a stupid observation and you need your eyes checked." You roll your eyes.

"I dare say," Jimin's eyes return back onto you. "You're quite defensive."

"I have to deal with all the stupid shit you're saying."

"You have a way with words, don't you?"

"Like a poet." You grumble to yourself, your mood is now shifting and you fear that you might fight the angel in the club.

Jimin laughs and it sounds heavenly. Devil, he pisses you off. "You're quite fun to be around. Well, expect another visit from me sometime this week."

You huff. "Another visit? Leave me alone at this point, you sound a little obsessed with me."

"Not just you but this contract. We all can't wait to see if you can accomplish this."

His words piqued your interest. "What do you mean 'all'? Are the higher ups also watching me?" If they are... you wonder how that's going to go. It makes you feel uneasy.

Jimin shrugs. "Who knows?" And then he disappears into a blinding light. You stare at the empty spot for a few more moments and then softly curse to yourself. You're not sure how to go about this anymore.

It takes a moment for you to notice but the music is slowly dying. Pulled out of your racing thoughts, you take notice of Eunyoung getting up on a small stage. Your eyes flicker everywhere for Namjoon and it takes a while, but you spot him amongst the crowd of people gathered on the dance floor.

Eunyoung makes a speech about thanking everyone for coming to the party, the usual kind of thing and then she says a sentence that has a shocked expression on your face.

"And I would like to say that I'm thankful for everyone including my boyfriend, Kim Namjoon. We hope that you continue to give your support."

What the fuck?!

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