Chapter 13

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Those are the words you first say in your memory. But is it really your memory? You don't recognize this place at all. A warm kitchen, baking a cake that you can smell vividly. The woman is standing in front of the oven, a smile on her face.

Is this your mom...?

"Hi honey!" She greets you. "How was your first day of college?"

You could feel your memory self shrug at it. "It was just... a lot."

She laughs. "Well, it feels differently than high school doesn't it?"

"It does," You walk closer to her and the smell of the cake hits you harder than before. "Oh, are you baking a vanilla cake?"

She nods. "I was craving it." She answers. Then the timer goes off and she takes it out with her oven mitts. Now you are starting to crave it. You watch as she puts it down on the counter and tests it out by dipping a toothpick in it. "It seems good."

"Can we dig in?" You tease, now wanting to have a piece.

She sends you a look. "No, I still need to make the frosting! Besides, eating dessert before dinner is a bad habit."

"I'm an adult!" You defend. "I can eat anything I want!"

She huffs at your attempts. "Mhm, sure. Still my house and my rules. And you're still learning." Then she stares at you. "You've grown up so much, I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks mom. I-"

You can't see or hear now. Everything is becoming static and the voices are distorted. Why is this happening? Your head feels like it's going to split open. Subtly, you can feel someone shaking your shoulder and calling out your name. Who is that? Is it... Namjoon?

All of a sudden, your eyes fly open and you're staring at the ceiling. You're in the apartment. But as your eyes try to flicker about, there's unfamiliar things in the apartment. Suddenly, your nerves are screaming at you and you sit up.

Bad idea.

Your head punishes you for sitting up so quickly with a flash of pain. Just then, Taehyung appears from around the corner where you assume the kitchen is since he's holding a glass of water and something is cupped in his other hand. "Oh Y/N!" He rushes over to you. "Are you feeling better now?"

Your eyes glance around the unfamiliar area. "Are we in your apartment...?"

"Yes, you said you didn't want to go to the doctor's and I wasn't sure if you lived alone and I thought it would be best to bring you here. I'm so sorry it's odd but I didn't want to leave you out there and-" Taehyung continues to ramble on and on.

"No, no that's okay." You calmly interrupt him. If he continues, you're sure he's going to keep on forever or run out of oxygen.

Taehyung nods and hands you the glass of water and what you assume to be pills. "Here's some water and some pills for your headaches." He's a trustworthy person and so you take them. It's also to fake that these can help since you're pretty sure if medicine affects demons.

After taking them, you're sipping on the water and it's when Taehyung decides to mention a vital piece of information.

"Oh, I called Namjoon by the way."

You slightly choke on your water. "You called him?"

He nods. "It was my first instinct since you didn't want to go to the hospital. I admit I panicked."

Well, you can't entirely blame him. Still, you nod your head. "Okay, I'll be going now-" You try to move past Taehyung but he's stubborn.

"Hey, no going anywhere while you're like this!"

You frown at him. "But I'm okay! I'm just going to go-"

Taehyung shakes his head. "Nope. You look like you're going to fall over again."

Damn it. Your head is slightly aching and you feel a bit light-headed. It's silent for a moment until Taehyung speaks up again. "Are you avoiding Namjoon?"

You stare at him. What the hell?! How does he know?! Your silence is his answer. He smiles at you. "I knew it. Do you perhaps have a fight with him?" More silence until he asks a more pressing question. "Or maybe a crush on him?"

"What?" You finally speak up. A crush? On Namjoon? Why of course not! You're a demon and you don't feel any emotions! Right...? As you try to process what Taehyung said, there's frantic knocking on the door. It startles poor Taehyung.

Quickly, he goes to it, mumbling about how the door is going to break. He has barely opened it when a large figure comes through the doorway. "What happened?!" The voice is familiar. There's some hushed talking and all of a sudden, Namjoon rounds the corner; a worried expression is etched onto his face.

In response, your heart thumps. Or squeezes itself. Ah shit. You? A demon having a crush... on a human? You're sure that the Devil is upset somewhere.

"I'm okay." You say, carefully watching how he still comes closer to you.

"Not really!" Namjoon frowns at you. "Why didn't you tell me this was happening? I told you before to tell me."

You shrug. "It was much quicker this time. I think my energy is slowly declining over time."

Namjoon sighs. "You should have told me still! And you were in the park? What if something happened to you?"

"I would have been fine." You reply.

"Really? You would have been fine? Especially if-" He manages to cut himself off before he speaks of the contract. Well even if he did, the contract wouldn't let him. It would act as a barrier as if he was coughing or something small like that. Or he probably remembered as he did read the whole thing.

You nod nonchalantly, pretending that you sort of care. You may be a little petty right now and a bit peeved off from yesterday.

The atmosphere around you two feels off and even poor Taehyung even feels it. He's hesitant to interrupt the two of you so for now, he retreats to his kitchen to give you two privacy. And hopefully work out whatever's bothering you.

Namjoon is the first to start the conversation. "What are you mad about? Isn't this what I'm supposed to do?"

"Yes but I just wanted you to tell me where you were going!" You try to say it calmly.

"I'm an adult and I don't have to tell you where I'm going." Namjoons defends himself but he's not seeing your point!

"I know that!" You scoff. "All I wanted to know was if you were going to leave me there or not! Is that hard to say, 'hey, I'm leaving, see you tomorrow.'"

Namjoon pauses for a moment. "It's not but I didn't think of you." The moment those words came out of his mouth, you shot him a glare.

"Really? You didn't think of me?" You say with venom hidden within your tone, his flinches a bit. "I'm the one who's done all this! Without my help, you wouldn't even be here!" You're angry that you can't see how his expressions shift a little. "Do this yourself then!" You get off the couch and out of the apartment.

Apparently his apartment is only on the second floor, so it's quick and easy until you reach the outside.

Then there's a pressure collapsed around your arm. You jerk and gasp away from it but it's strong and you recognize who it is.

Namjoon quickly releases his hold on you. His eyebrows are drawn down. "You're never jumpy..."

"I-It's nothing." You snap at him.

"Look," Namjoon stares at you. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking clearly and-"

"Please, I don't want-" You interrupt him.

This time he interjects into your sentence. "Look, let's talk this out more. Let's take a walk." He offers and you stare at him. 

His eyes hold your own and you finally agree. Perhaps it will be better to sort everything out first and rethink on how to go forward.

a/n: sorry for being so late with this update. my internship is killing me right now :') i also have to make sure the next chapter is the one I want cause my dumbass titled the chapters wrong :')

Summoned for Love | k.nj auWhere stories live. Discover now