goofy silly mood

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oh gee oh boy am I gonna spoil you guys
uh this is smut as always
lil surprise it's gonna turn into fluff
I'm gonna try splitting my writing up instead of typing whole ass rants
there will be no sadistic ness
If you want stuff to get kinky read other ones

non-binary reader so all my men and woman and attack helicopters can enjoy together

I was listening to bloom by the paper kites while writing this so uh it becomes kinda sad and relaxing I dunno..

Word count : 1292!!


You walked into the party room, looking over at William. "What." He asked with aggression edging his voice. Great, not even halfway into the day, and he's already moody.

"I have something to show you boss, it's in the office. But, it's only for you. You alone. Alone." You prayed that your boss didn't have suspicions about you taking him alone into his office. "Why should I waste my time on it?" Of course, he had to whine about you 'wasting his time'. Like all the glaring at children isn't time wasting... You sighed. "Just follow me, please?"

"Alright then... lead on." He said with a huff as he followed you into the office. "What is this "surprise" that you mentioned earlier?" His eyes were wide open expectantly, his fingers tapping the desk. It was obvious he was curious about whatever could be so special that he needed to keep it secret from everyone else.
"Oh, I'm sure you'll like it." You locked the door and pulled the blinds down.

William leaned back on the desk and growled. "Spit it out already."  With an eye roll you just walked closer to him and grabbed his tie. He grinned and moved his face closer to you. "Oh, I see what this is." He chuckled a bit, and looked over at the locked door, checking its security. "Darling, do you really think that no one will notice the blood stains on you? If you intend to beat me up because I denied you a higher pay rate..." Your eyes widened with shock as you pulled him even closer by the tie. "Why would I want to do that? I'm one of the most loyal employees here. Why are you always so concerned about your safety? Has something happened to y-"

"Alright alright... Now tell me what's going on before I lose my patience." A growl edged his voice. With a sigh you pushed him against the desk a little. "You haven't guessed yet?" You hissed at him. You were making it quite obvious, and he still hadn't caught on. "No. I don't. Quit toying with me. Spill it, now." He growled back at you. "Do I have to do everything myself?" - "What do you mean Y/N-"

With a sigh you kissed him on the lips. He blushed slightly at this. "O-Oh. I see.." - "I'm glad you finally caught on, boss." - "Please, call me William." Speeding up things, you slid your hand down to his waist. He groaned softly. "Ahh~ That feels nice." He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation of being touched by your hands. "Tell me more, Y/N." He smirked, purposely breathing onto your neck. "What are you planning to do next?"

"What do you think, Will~?" You asked with a hum in your voice. He looked up at you with an amused expression. "Whatever you want, darling. As long as you promise it'll be good." He gave you another kiss on the cheek, before going back to speaking into the crook of your neck. William knew exactly how to turn you on. With a sudden whimper, he whined into your neck. "Go ahead and take care of me~ Oh, Make me yours forever." - "Anything for you, William."

You slid your hand into his pants, making him shiver from the cold feeling.  "Mmm..that feels perfect.." He wrapped his arms around you tightly, whimpering when you moved your hand around his inner thigh. "Let me show how much I appreciate all your hard work." You felt him start rubbing himself against your leg slowly. "I love you.. I always have." You slowly slipped your hand into his boxers.

He moaned softly and hurried his face into your neck. "Do you like that, slut?" (Yes I know it's supposed to be used for women but it can be used for men to-) His body tensed up, and he held you closer. "Y-Yes... I do.."  With a smile, you wrapped your hand around his member. "May I?" You asked sweetly, not wanting to continue without consent. "Y-Yes.. please... please, Y/N.." You slowly started to pump, taking it easy, not wanting to hurt him.

(omg I love how reader is just like so nice and comforting about it I'm sorry if you wanted it to be rough but this is cute ok deal with it)

William groaned loudly, arching his back. "God... Y-Y/N that feels amazing... a bit faster, please~?" He let himself get lost in the pleasure of your touch, moaning loudly.  "Do you like it~? Have I done good~?" He nodded vigorously. "More than anything else right now.." You felt his breathing became heavier, and his back arch further up. "Fuck! This feels so fucking good.." He grabbed your shoulders and pulled you closer to him. "I need to cum soon..please keep going.." He kept kissing you deeply while moaning loudly into your mouth.

You broke the kiss, letting him tilt his head back. "You're such a good boy for me~" He loved all of the praise, and you knew it. He whimpered quietly. "Yes... I- I am.." He dug his nails deeper into your back. "Please's getting close.." He clenched his teeth, about to release. "Not yet, precious.." You took your hand out of his boxers. Whimpering, he looked up at you. "Please, oh g-god no, don't stop.. Y/N I-I can't... please..." It was obvious that he couldn't take the sudden loss of attention to his dick. You slid his pants down, making sure when you dragged his boxers down to do it slowly. "I wouldn't want you to finish in those." Your eyes glowed at him, and you started to pump him again. Without warning, you put your mouth on his entire member, swirling your tongue over his sensitive tip. He arched his back and cried out loud in pleasure. "Aahhh!!" The pleasure was too intense for him to handle anymore. "Nghh!!! Don't stop!!!!" He bucked wildly around, his dick twitching madly. "please don't stop..keep going..!" He gripped onto your shirt desperately. "Ahhhh!!"

He gasped out loud as he finished in your mouth, looking down at you in concern. "I- Oh- Y/N I'm sorry-!" You took your mouth off, having swallowed it all. With a giggle, you handed him his clothes. "Get dressed, Henry will want you back out there soon. Was that a good surprise~?" He looked up at you as he buttoned the last button on his trousers. (The trousers return again..) "Yes, yes it was... Oh, and by the way Y/N?" You looked at him, unlocking the door.

"The pay raise is all yours. However. You only get it on the condition that you come over to my house tonight."  You smiled brightly. Today couldn't get any better! "That sounds great Willy. See ya tonight!" You waved to him and walked out.


Pt. 2 is soon I promise also thanks for almost 20 reads uh I will spoil you guys as I promised at the start next one will be long it's just I'm extremely tired I haven't slept in a day...

goodbye everyone, have fun reading! <3

William Afton Oneshots :)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant