[Fynn]: You can come over and help, if you want to.

Toby and I wouldn't be able to do much when the kids were still awake. Not that we would touch each other in Kyran's and Cassian's home. Though we sometimes couldn't stop ourselves from lightly touching each other.

And we hadn't met Naika in some time. We lived in the same town but still didn't meet as often as back then. Mostly because all of us had jobs now.

We met Genevieve and Cameron less too because they still lived in Canada. We sometimes video chatted with them but meeting personally was horribly difficult.

It shouldn't be as hard as it should be to meet the friends that lived here in this town but it was.

[Naika]: Nah, sorry, I have a date with Laurel.

It wasn't a surprise because they were together for a few years already. Though it was difficult for a wolf if they met their mate, however, Naika didn't want to stay single her whole life and I understood that. Not every wolf met their mate and she deserved a partner that made her happy.

Laurel was the mute drummer from Hayden's band. They met at another performance of Kyran and kind of got into 'talking'. Naika couldn't understand sign-language but they talked over their phones after exchanging numbers. And then one thing came to another and they got into a relationship.

[Naika]: Ask the others if they want to. Enzo and Emily would probably love to play with the kids.

[Fynn]: I will ask them later. Have fun on your date.

[Naika]: Thanks! And let the kids whoop my brothers ass~

Amused, a smirk spread on my lips. Oh, I would make the kids do that.

[Fynn]: Will do~

The song switched and changed to 'Shut up and dance with me'.

The song brought back memories from our childhood. Well, we were 14 or 15 but still.

We were at school and our gym teacher thought it would be a perfect idea to teach us a couple-dances. Toby and I weren't even in the same class because I was younger.

Naika and our other friends were also in different classes and the three vampire siblings weren't even at our school at that time.

Our class and Toby's class shared the same gym and my class had an odd number of students. And because of my grumpiness nobody wanted to be my partner - obviously.

So, the teacher asked someone from the other class if they would be my partner. The girls all refused - obviously. Just Toby came up to me with a big fat grin on his face and held out his hand.

I glared at him, like I always did. »Move your ass away, I'm not dancing with you.« We were already friends at that time but I was a little grumpy grump with attitude - I still am. But I already had a huge crush on Toby back then.

»Shut up, Thompson, just dance with me,« Toby encouraged and grabbed my arm. »I'm not dancing with you!« Only because I was good at fighting didn't mean I was good at dancing. I was horribly clumsy.

»Yes, you are.« He dragged me after him like I weighed nothing and if I had wanted to, I could have just sat down like a mountain and not been moved. But I stumbled behind him.

»Does anyone have any wishes for a song?« the teacher asked and of course, Toby grinned and said, »Shut up and dance with me!«

»We want to learn couple dance, Toby. Not some party dances.«

Well, that was mostly the end of the story. I embarrassed myself by stepping on Toby's feet and even fell over mine once. And afterwards Toby always teased me and said 'Shut up and dance with me' before he pulled me against him and we danced a walz without music.

I got so angry that I asked my mother to teach me couple-dances and she sent me to a dance school. It helped in perfecting my balance, so I couldn't complain anymore because now I could dance any kind of couple-dance.

I texted Emily and Enzo after a while and asked if they wanted to babysit the kids with us but they both denied. Enzo was away from town because of work and Emily also had work to do.

The vampires had no time too and Chat was back in Canada right now because of some hunter things.

»What're doing?« I looked up and met Toby's eyes. »Asking the others if they want to join the babysitting.«

»Nahh, let them be. Let's just run around the forest with the kids.« Toby hadn't transformed in sometime now if I remembered correctly. It would be a good opportunity.

»Fine,« I exhaled.

»And now, how about we put the devices to the side and-«

»Nop, you blew me off a little while ago. You are not getting anything of« - I pointed at me and my family jewels - »these.«



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