Jealous (full chapter fron short stories)

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Requested <3

Rhea, Finn, Damien, Dominik and I all had a meet a greet shelduled for today. Rhea was driving and I was in the passenger seat, usually rhea puts her hand on my thigh but today she had one hand on the wheel and the other resting in her own leg. I didn't think much of it but it made me a little upset since it gave me some sort of comfort.

Once we got to the meet and greet rhea sat and the end right next to Dominik and put her arm around him and ruffled his hair and started goofing off with him. Rhea promised to sit next to me since meeting so many fans made me nervous but I just brushed it off and sat next to Damien instead, who was like my older brother and helped me with the anxiety of meeting all the fans.

I signed a bunch of autographs and a lot of the fans were super sweet and we took pictures and stuff. I totally forgot about rhea until this girl ran up to her and  started blushing. "Oh my god.. I thought I'd never meet you! Your literally the reason I started watching wrestling and I have the biggest crush on you.. like I've been a supporter for years! I would try to get your number if you weren't dating.. what's her name.. Mary?" Well that pissed me off. First of all I HATE when people call me Mary.. obviously it's marielle or mar for short. Then she kept talking. "She's so... insecure I'd say.. and the mental issues are INSANE.. you need someone who is happy and healthy.. like ME" No way this bitch had the nerve to say that.. I was just staring with my mouth hanging open and trying to keep myself calm. Rhea had to put her in her place right? "Well.. thanks for being a supported for so long.. and yeah unfortunately I am dating someone right now but anyone who would date you would be really lucky.. you seem really put together. Would you like a picture?" No fucking way.. unfortunately?? What the hell does she mean by "unfortunately I'm dating someone" why would that be unfortunate? Put together? She just talked shit about me for having mental issues. I got up and left before I got really mad, Damien tried to stop me since more fans were waiting to meet us but I didn't care, I only just joined judgement day a month ago so I'm sure people would be just fine meeting judgment day without me. I sat in the locker room by myself for awhile scrolling on my phone trying to distract myself from what just happened when the meet and greet ended and rhea walked in. "Hey babe.. you okay? Why'd you leave? A few fans wanted to meet you." I ignored rhea and hoped she would just leave, but that obviously wouldn't happen. "So your ignoring me now?? I thought we agreed on communication" I rolled my eyes and put my phone down. "You pissed me off" Rhea raised her eyebrows and crosses her arms.

"How so? What did I do?"

"That fan.. that flirted with you and then talked shit about me for having mental issues.. and just all day today.. you barely spoke to me and you said you would sit next to me to help with my anxiety but you didn't"

Rheas face went from slightly annoyed to apologetic, she grabbed my hand and rubbed it with her thumb. "I'm sorry mar.. I totally forgot about sitting with you... were you okay while meeting everyone?"

"Damien helped me.. it wasn't that bad but-"

"Damien? What'd he do?? Did you let him hold your hand or something?"

"Don't tell me your getting jealous right now when you just let that fan flirt with you"

"I'm sorry.. but what did Damien do to help with your anxiety?"

"Just.. different stuff.. like putting his hand on my shoulder.. checking on me.. asking how I was doing, goofing around.. nothing like what your thinking"

"Maybe I'll go have a talk with him for putting his hands on-"

"Rhea.. shut up. I'm sorry but you sound crazy right now, you couldn't be there when I needed you but your mad that someone else was there for me?? And you keep changing the subject about the fan!"

"Okay mar.. listen.. I'm really sorry.. it won't happen again, you know I fuckin love you more then anything and I just say stuff like that so fans don't get mad"

"It's fine.. it's whatever"

"No it's not fine.. I need to get my priorities together.. your more important to me.. I love you okay?"

This has been sitting in my drafts for too long and it was requested so I needed to post it so sorry it's not good </3

Rhea Ripley x Female reader short storiesWhere stories live. Discover now