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Rhea had been gone for two months traveling and wrestling, I couldn't go since I broke my leg during a match against Shayna Baszler. I was getting anxious without rhea and I had been posting about her a lot of twitter and instagram like

"I miss my gf pls help"

"I love my girlfriend sm 😍"


And practically going crazy over everything she posted

Rhea was in her own house in Florida and I was at my home in Maryland. Rhea hadn't talked to me in awhile and I thought she was mad that I was being "obsessive" but she texted me this morning and I opened the message almost immediately.

MY EVERYTHING!!!!: your obsessed w me 🙄

Sweet girl 🖤: sorry

MY EVERYTHING!!!!: I wasn't saying it like that baby. I forgot to put those chat tag things or whatever like /sarc or smth

Sweet girl 🖤: oh

MY EVERYTHING!!!!: are you okay?

Sweet girl 🖤: yeah

MY EVERYTHING!!!!: that was a really dry "yeah" so your not okay, you want me to come over?

Sweet girl 🖤: it's like a 14 hour drive and you need to relax, your leaving to go to the U.K in 2 days.

MY EVERYTHING!!!!: I don't care you obviously miss me and it's been two months. My need for rest can wait 14 hours so I can come over

Sweet girl 🖤: I'm not as important you should rest.

MY EVERYTHING!!!!: don't say that your way more important and like I said, it's been two months.. I wanna see you

Sweet girl 🖤: 😢

MY EVERYTHING!!!!: what's wrong?

Sweet girl 🖤: I haven't taken my meds in awhile 😭


Sweet girl 🖤: you were my inspo to take those nasty shits

MY EVERYTHING!!!!: well then take them now

Sweet girl 🖤: tbh I don't think I need them I've been doing fine

MY EVERYTHING!!!!: you told you sister you wanted to kill yourself

Sweet girl 🖤: omg she's such a snitch I was literally joking 🙄

MY EVERYTHING!!!!: those paragraphs you sent me then deleted didn't seem like a joke

Sweet girl 🖤: ..

MY EVERYTHING:: yeah I saw it and took a screenshot before you deleted it. That's why I'm coming over

Sweet girl 🖤: which paragraph did you see

MY EVERYTHING!!!!: all of them

Sweet girl 🖤: oh

MY EVERYTHING!!!!: I'm 10 more hours away I should ft you until I get there

Sweet girl 🖤: ten hour ft? That would break our 8 hour record

MY EVERYTHING!!!!: bet. answer the phone

Rhea called and I answered after it rang twice, I went to grab my laptop from my dresser.

"Did you eat mar?"

"Yeah.. I'm not that depressed over you being gone"

"Good.. you want me to bring pizza?"

"Sure... if you died would you turn into a ghost and stay with me until I died"

"Your having those thoughts again? Take your meds"

"I was just curious"

"I'd try to but maybe I'd be stuck in heaven"

"Atleast your honest about it"

"You need me that bad? That you would want me to haunt you if I died?"


"Have you drawn me?"

"I made 6"

"Let me see"



"3 of them are stupid and the other 3 I posted on my story"

"Oh those were yours? They were really good.. what's so stupid about the other three"

"It's.. like.. well.. I drew you.. like... you know.. not very instagram appropriate so I couldn't post them"

"You drew me naked or something?"

"That and more"

"Crazy.. I still wanna see"

"What if you got into a car accident and died? Maybe you should stop driving"

"Take your meds"


"I love you"

"I love you too"

"There's not alot of traffic"


"You okay?"


"Let it out. Tell me everything"

"I cut myself"

"Let me see"


"Is it bad?"


"What else?"

"That's kinda it.. I thought about how you'd feel about me doing it so I stopped"

"Thanks for stopping.. so it's just one really bad cut?"


"I'm not leaving you again"

"It's not even that I just stopped taking my meds"

Rhea and I talked more and I started feeling better, I took all the meds I stopped taking and I was much more energetic and I was jumping on my bed for an hour, rhea got to my house at 2am and it was all cuddles and kisses, of course she big spooned me and got me a plane ticket to go to the uk with her.

I got better pretty fast and rhea was happy about it even though she was a pretty casual person and always gentle with me whenever I would be hyper or annoying or being so depressed it makes HER depressed she always made sure I was getting better

Rhea Ripley x Female reader short storiesWhere stories live. Discover now