Nsfw alphabet (remake/more detailed)

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Im gonna do a fluff version of this too <3

Rhea lifted me out of bed and wrapped my legs around her waist and gave me kisses all over my face, I was tired and worn out so I just buried my face in her neck and closed my eyes. "Are you okay? Was that too rough?"
"Im okay.. and it wasn't too rough ... I'm already a little sore but I'm okay" Rhea rubbed my back and walked to the bathroom and ran the water. "Hot or warm?" "Warm"
Rhea helped me wash up even thought I didn't really need help she still insisted on helping, she even washed ny hair, I was hungry so she ordered pizza and put on a movie but I fell asleep 20 minutes in.

"Are you sure I can choke you? You have asthma and I don't want to hurt you"
"Im sure rhea.. I'll be fine" "okay but squeeze my wrist if you need to breathe" Rhea gently placed her hand over my neck and gives it a light squeeze and she pushes two fingers into my pussy, I moan and it makes her squeeze harder and thrust her fingers into me deeper. I squeeze her wrist and she loosens her grip for a few seconds and then chokes me again.

"Cum like the slut you are~" "mmm.. it feels like a lot are you sure?" "I don't give a shit, more the merrier now fucking cum"

"Please mommy.. I need you" Rhea had a strap on and it was barely touching my pussy, she was teasing me and it was causing me to become needy, I found it embarrassing to be in such a submissive, desperate state but rhea thought it was hot and I knew she was fucking with me on purpose. "You can do better then that.. beg" "Fuck mommy... I want you to stretch me out and fuck be until I can't see straight.. please" That was enough to get rhea going, she thrusts the strap into me letting me release loud moans.

"Have you done this before mar?" I hesitated to answer since the answer was no and I didn't want to turn rhea off but she was my girlfriend and I wanted her to be my first time anyways. "No.. but.. before you get upset or say never mind just know that I want you to be my first time anyways" Rhea looked a little surprised with a hint of concern but her face softened and she kissed my cheek. "That's okay.. I'll try my best to be gentle and it's really important that you let me know if you need me to slow down or if you need a break"

"Rhea you know I hate riding your face"
"You love riding my face your just scared of suffocating me when you know damn well I don't care, plus I'd say death from being suffocated by your thighs is the best way to go"
I roll my eyes and hover over rheas face. "Your not helping.. and I'm not sitting all the way down no matter what you-" before I could finish rhea gripped my thighs, stuck her tongue out, and forced me all the way down, my pussy landing on her tongue piercing. "Rhea- shit- wait-" I tried hovering again but rhea kept me down and sucked on my clit. "Fuck.. you better let me know if you need me to get up you fucking dipshit" Rhea let out a chuckle that was barely audible since her mouth was covered by my pussy and slapped my ass.

"Hehehehe your so hot demi~ your like.. a sexy dinosaur" I was really drunk but rhea was sober, I drunk two cups of some type of red liquid thinking it was fruit punch, but it wasn't unfortunately. Rhea had me in "The splitting bamboo" sex position and was glaring at me with a straight face, maybe even a little angry. "One more word out of you and I'm going to pound you until your sober" "YOUR GONNA BEAT ME UP?" I started sniffling and I almost cried hearing that my girlfriend might hit me. "No mar... I would never hit you.. that's abuse, and you've been through enough of that.. I meant pound as in fuck you" I stopped sniffling and slightly crying and giggled. "Omg you wanna fuck me~ your such a horny.. sponge"
"Sponge?" I nodded and laughed and rhea rolled her eyes and thrust into me- that got me to shut up and my laughs turned into low moans.

I was sitting in rheas lap and sucking on her neck, leaving dark purple hickeys. She was on her phone and I didn't mind, I was honestly giving her hickeys because I was bored. It was like how I drew on her hands. "Are you leaving dark hickeys? You better not be" My eyes widened when I realized how dark they actually were, my heart raced, rhea was gonna be pissed. "Whoops... I can get ice and try to get rid of it" Rhea sighed and rubbed my back. "It's fine.. your like a little kid.. your gonna be all sad if you have to get rid of them.. but I am punishing you tonight.. go ahead and enjoy yourself doll."

Rhea Ripley x Female reader short storiesWhere stories live. Discover now