Road trip

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    ‼️Short nsfw‼️
    ‼️TW: skin picking/self harm‼️
    ‼️ TW: abuse/ talking about being abused‼️
    (Your apart of judgement day btw)

The rest of Judgement Day and a few other wrestlers were in a bus with me, we were on our way to the UK. I was sitting next to rhea and Damien priest and dominik mysterio were across from us. In the row next to me and rhea there was Bianca belair, Becky lynch, Liv morgan and Raquel Rodriguez. Those four and Rhea were talking about something- I didn't know what since I wasn't really paying attention. Damien and Dominik were playing video games on their phones and I was looking out the window.

I was pretty stressed out that day, my mom and I had a conversation and it really pissed me off. My mother was abusive and we never got along. I tried many times to be nice to her but she always turned it into an argument. Most of the time if was just her insulting me and I just listening. Her recent yelling session included her body shaming me and now I felt like my body was disgusting.

Rhea could tell something was wrong but with so many people around, it didn't feel right to bring it up then. She tried including me in her conversation but I found ways to wiggle my way out of them.

Bianca got up to bring everyone snacks and drinks. "You want anything marielle?"

"No thanks."

Rhea: "you sure babe? We've been on the bus for awhile and you didn't eat yesterday. I think you should get something"

"I'll get water then"

"You need real food though"

"I'm not hungry babe. Just water"

Bianca goes to get everyone's snacks and drinks and brings me a water. Rhea got vegemite (she was really excited there was vegemite on the bus) chips and crackers. Rhea dipped a cracker into the Vegemite and held it near my mouth. "Try one. I've been wanting you to try Vegemite for a long time."

I push rheas hand down and look out the window. "No thanks"

"Please baby.. just eat a little for me."

"Fine. Just one" I ate the cracker out rheas hand.

"Is it good? Isn't it great?"

"It's uh.. strong.. and tastes meaty.. it's not as bad as I thought buts it's not that good either"

"What?! Vegemite is the absolute best spread ever"

"Eh. Could be better. I'm gonna try to take a nap"

Rhea nods and turns back to Bianca and the others and starts back up a conversation about vegemite.

After a few minutes I start skin picking. It was gonna make me bleed but I didn't care. Rhea noticed and grabbed my hand and then glared at me with a mad/concerned expression. She stood up and grabbed me and threw me over her shoulder and walked towards the bathroom, almost everyone had pretty much fallen asleep so nobody questioned it.

"Rhea put me down right now."

"No. We are gonna have a serious talk and I need you to tell me what's wrong."

Rhea sits me on the bathroom counter and crossed her arms, waiting for me to speak.

"It's nothing I wasn't thinking when I did it"

"That's not true at all.. tell me the truth."

"I.. fine.. it's my mom. She's back with her bullshit."

"Oh.. I'm so sorry mar.. you have to stop trying to talk to her.. it's affecting your mental health and it hurts me seeing you like this."

"I'm sorry.."

"No! Don't apologize baby! It's not your fault... this is about you. Not me, okay? What exactly happened"

I told rhea all the things my mom said and I started crying in to process. "Baby.. mar.. I'm so.. I can't believe her.. baby please stop talking to her.. your body is absolutely perfect and I promise you she's jealous."

"You really think so..? That my body isn't.. all those things she said."

"Every inch of you is perfect and amazing. Okay?" Rhea kisses all over my face mumbling all types of positive words and she makes her way down my body. "God rhea... I love you so mu-"

The bathroom door swings open as rhea was in between my thighs kissing them. Seth Rollins's jaw practically touches the floor when he sees us and he slams the door shut and speed walks away.

I groan and cover my face. "Fuck fuck fuck.. half of the people on this bus don't know about us and now Seth knows."

"I mean.. majority of the people on this bus know... and Seth won't say anything.. and even if he did he would probably tell Becky first and she already knows so she would just tell him not to tell anyone. It's fine sweet girl, don't stress it"

"It's still gonna be awkward... thank god he doesn't sit near us.. im tired now."

Rhea throws me over her shoulder again and walks out the bathroom and back to our seat. We walk past Seth and he seems to have already gotten over the situation and has found humor in it because he raises his eyebrows and drops them, then raises them back up a few times with a cheesy smile on his face.

Rhea and I get back in our seat and I fall asleep on her shoulder.


The next day was pretty boring. We had 36 more hours on the bus. Rhea checked on me personally, and alone, a few times and I was okay, we made a stop at a restaurant and got back on the road. We played monopoly a few times. Liv Moran brought a dirty party game called "go hoe or go home" and whoever didn't do the most dares had to let Seth Rollins fart in a tight space with them in it, and Seth just ate 3 bean burritos.

Liv: "I'll go first! My card says... lick the persons abs that's sitting to your right..  Raquel! You want me to do it?"

Raquel: "go for it. Maybe I'll spread some Vegemite on my abs just to make you gag"

The game went on for awhile and Natalya lost. It was pretty funny, most of the dares rhea got she tried to make it so that she would do it to/with me so now she was turned on and wanted sex, I rejected her since I didn't want us to get caught again and even though the bathroom had a lock it would be weird.

The day went by pretty slow and we made a few stops. Rhea tried fucking me again but I kept declining, she didn't get mad but she was definitely anxious. I told her we could once we got to our hotel in the UK so that got rhea excited.

I don't know what else to add and I don't want a lot of nsfw in this chapter because a different chapter will have ALOT of nsfw so yeah lmao I don't really know how to end this either. Please put requests and ideas in the comments :)

Rhea Ripley x Female reader short storiesWhere stories live. Discover now