ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 25

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She spent the time waiting for Hobie to come back down to get her by playing Rock Paper Scissors with Venom, him using a black tentacle to make the gestures.

"Gun" the symbiote said.

"Gun!? There's no gun in Rock Paper Scissors" Nia shouted indignantly.

"Are you complaining about a game for kids?" Nia raised her head when Hobie made that statement as he finally came down from the house he had been in for the past, maybe, half hour.

"Pffft, no" Nia shook her head "Shall we go?"

"Time to go back home love" Hobie said, hooking his arm around her own "Hope you're prepared"

"Sure I am" once again (yes again) Nia held her breath as they shifted back to her own world to wait for any news about Miles.


As always, the portal ended up taking them to her bedroom where she threw herself onto her bed as she was a bit tired.

"I like your band members. Ron's nice and Riri was...charming to say the least" Nia shucked with her arms beneath her head.

"Oh really?"

The tone of voice that Hobie said that with had Nia trying to raise her head by proving herself onto her elbows only to be pushed back down on the soft mattress when the male hovered above her, holding his own weight up with the arms he had at the sides of her head.

Hobie's eyes bore into hers, searching for something she couldn't quite decipher. His face was so close to hers, she could feel his warm breath on her skin. A mix of anticipation and nervousness washed over her, making her pulse quicken.

As every single time that something like this happened, which was far too often, Venom slithered out of his host's body to hide in her clothes closet.

Caught off guard, Nia struggled to find her words, her mind racing to process the sudden change in their interaction. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt for him, the way her heart skipped a beat whenever he was near. But she never expected him to act on it so boldly, especially not now, in her own bedroom and with her father not too far from them.

Hobie's gaze softened slightly, as if he sensed her internal conflict. He lowered himself slightly, his lips only inches away from hers. The air between them crackled with tension, and Nia's breath hitched in her throat.

For a moment, time stood still as their eyes locked, an unspoken connection forming between them. Nia's heart pounded in her chest, the sound echoing in her ears. She could almost taste the anticipation, the longing that hung in the air.

But just as the tension reached its peak, Hobie's expression shifted, and he pulled back slightly. A small smile played on his lips, teasing and enigmatic.

"You're not the only one who found someone charming" he whispered, his voice laced with a hint of mischief. With that, he lifted himself off the bed, leaving Nia bewildered and longing for more.

"Aw hell an boy. You started this so either you finish it or I do" she responded by grabbing the neck of his spider suit and pulling him closer to her.

Hobie's surprise was evident, his gaze locking onto hers with a mixture of shock and excitement. He had underestimated the feelings that Nia shared with him, and now she was making it known, demanding that he meet her.

"Alright then love" Hobie smiled down at her.

They closed the space between them making their lips meet, softly at first, yet fervent, their mouths melded together with a hunger that had been building since their first encounter. The world around them faded into insignificance as they lost themselves in the intoxicating taste and feel of each other. Nia felt the cold piercing on Hobie's lip as she ran her tongue on the males bottom lip.

Hobie's hands found their way to Nia's waist, pulling her closer and making her shiver, deepening the connection between them. Nia's fingers tangled in his hair, her touch sending sparks of electricity coursing through his veins. Their bodies pressed against each other, aching for closer contact, as if trying to merge into one.

Time ceased to exist as they explored each other's lips, their tongues dancing together as Nia took the lead of the kiss. Every brush, every flicker of contact ignited a fire within them, fueling their desire to new heights.

They broke the kiss momentarily, their breaths mingling as they gazed into each other's eyes. The room was filled with an electric energy, a shared understanding that this was only the beginning of an extraordinary connection.

"I've been wanting to do that since the moment I met you" Hobie whispered, his voice filled with a mix of tenderness and desire.

Nia smiled, her eyes sparkling with a newfound sense of contentment.

"Well, you took your sweet time" she teased, her voice laced with playful affection.

Hobie chuckled, his hand gently caressing her cheek.

"I suppose some things are worth the wait" he replied, his words punctuated by a soft kiss on her forehead.

Hobie bent his head down to kiss her again, when his watch rang, making the male groan and lean his head in the space between her shoulder and neck.

"Come on Hobs" Nia smiled with a short chuckle while she pushed him off of her.

"Oh come on Love" Hobie whined, his arms wrapping around her softly "We just got here"

"Gwen needs our help Hobie. Come on darling" Nia quipped at him, pulling him up from the bed "Venom? Where are you?"

"Right here" the symbiote seeped into her skin.

"So we're all ready to go" Nia took it upon herself to open the portal herself and push them all inside.

ᐯEᑎOᗰ: TᕼE ᗷᒪᗩᑕK ᗯEᗩᐯEᖇ || Hobie BrownDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora