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Nia Rivera's heart was heavy with grief as she stood alone at Eddie Brock's funeral. Eddie, the brave journalist who had once been bonded with the fearsome alien symbiote known as Venom, had sacrificed himself to save the city from a deadly threat.

A little background on our protagonist. She is an 18 year old high school graduate that has been invested in journalism since she met her father's ex-coworker, Eddie Brock. He and her father, Emilio Rivera, worked at the same company until Eddie got fired and the whole Life Foundation problem happened after Carlton Drake was found out.

Nia's life had been far from ordinary. Raised by a single father, she had learned to be strong and independent. She possessed an uncanny ability to sense emotions and connect with others on a profound level. Her friends often joked that she had a sixth sense.

Nia had admired Eddie's courage and determination, and his loss left a void in her life as the man had actually visited her since she was younger acting like her cool uncle.

As the crowd dispersed, Nia lingered at the gravesite, her mind lost in memories of Eddie as she waited for her father to say his final goodbyes. Little did she know that Venom was watching from afar, drawn to the young woman who showed such a deep connection to its former host.

"Come on dad" she muttered under her breath as she pulled the man away from the depressing scenery.

She took it upon herself to driver her father home and tuck him into his bed when he denied wanting to eat any dinner. Nia rubbed her face tiredly as she too slumped down onto her bed, not even taking off her black suit.


It had been a few months since the funeral and Nia's father had gotten back on his feet, going back to work and even managing to get permission for Nia to go to work with him at the Daily Globe so she could see how everything functioned, and she manage to get a small part as an editor in the newspaper.

One night, while walking home through the dark and desolate streets, Nia sensed a presence following her. Her instincts were on high alert as she glanced around, her heart pounding in her chest. Suddenly, a shadowy figure emerged from an alley, and Nia gasped as she recognized the unmistakable form of Venom.

They were towering over Nia with their familiar black body and pupiless white eyes looking down at her. The long tongue flicked over their sharp rows of teeth before the host they were using fainted as the goo retracted from the man's body, leaving him to violently shiver on the hard ground before fainting unconscious.

Despite the creature's intimidating appearance, Nia sensed a deep sorrow and loneliness within it. Without thinking, she reached out to Venom, her hand trembling. Surprisingly, the symbiote did not recoil but instead approached her cautiously, crawling on the pavement to reach her.

"I feel your pain" Nia whispered softly, her voice tinged with empathy as she was not afraid of the symbiote "I miss Eddie too"

Venom cocked its head, intrigued by the girl's emotional resonance. They had never encountered someone who could understand its complex emotions.

"Do you...want to come with me?" Nia asked the creature despite her hesitance.

Without another word, Venom slowly but surely made their way up the young girl's arm and onto her chest where they disappeared through her skin. Nia tried to remain calm as she felt something go through her body before settling. A sudden sharp pain made her jolt forward and kneel on the ground, the familiar voice of Venom sounding in her head.

"Relax human! Let me get comfortable and the pain will stop" Nia followed the symbiote's advice and took several deep breaths as the pain finally ebbed from her muscles "I am ready. Take me to your home, Nia"


From that night on, Nia and Venom formed an unusual bond. They spent hours together, silently communicating and comforting each other in their shared grief. Nia's compassionate nature allowed her to soothe the symbiote's pain, and Venom, in turn, became Nia's protector, watching over her as she navigated the challenges of life.

With time, Nia discovered that the symbiote's abilities extended beyond their fearsome appearance. She found herself connected to Venom on a deeper level, almost as if they were two halves of a whole. Together, they discovered that their combined strengths could be used for many things.

The transformations were now more of an adrenaline rush to her, even when the symbiote insisted on making a deal. He was allowed to eat 'bad people's' heads and no one else's and, considering how crime riddled the city had become in the last 2 years, even the police agreed to leave them do their thing.

As they embraced their newfound alliance, Nia and Venom began to patrol the city together, thwarting criminals and helping those in need. Word of the mysterious duo spread quickly, and the people of the city began to refer to them as "The Shadow Entity" others calling them the more recognised name of "the Black Weaver" due to how they tied up their opponents (cough cough victims cough cough) with black webs that resembled those of spiders.

 Word of the mysterious duo spread quickly, and the people of the city began to refer to them as "The Shadow Entity" others calling them the more recognised name of "the Black Weaver" due to how they tied up their opponents (cough cough victims co...

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However, not everyone was receptive to the duo's presence. Their rise had attracted the attention of a notorious criminal organization led by a sinister mastermind known only as Mr. Blackwell, a larger than normal man with a bald shaved head that owned a scientific facility similar to the Life Foundation called Alchemax. He saw Venom as a potential weapon to further his sinister plans, and he sought to capture the symbiote and use it for his own purposes.

Mr. Blackwell's relentless pursuit tested Nia and Venom's bond like never before. Together, they faced numerous challenges and life-threatening situations where he hired mercenaries, assassins and even super human experiments on them. In the face of danger, the pair discovered a deep trust and reliance on each other, knowing that they were stronger together than apart.

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