ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 3

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"Knock knock" Weaver said as they hit the closed door with one fist, breaking it down.

In the room behind the door was a large machine and Blackwell was standing right in the centre of the room, another figure standing besides him. The person turned around, revealing the greasy black hair and tight goggles on his face. The crooked teeth tightening in an angry sneer when he saw Weaver.

"Oh you found yourself a new friend Blackwell. How nice" Weaver revealed their bloodied teeth btu closed their mouth as they were forced to dodge a weird robotic tentacle coming her way "Though I must admit that he is...as weird as yourself"

Indeed the new man was weirdly, proportioned?

"Alright nervermind, time to play" Weaver said, their demeanour turning more serious.

Weaver swiftly evaded the robotic tentacle, their eyes narrowing with determination. They assessed the situation, taking in the imposing machine and the menacing figure beside Blackwell. The confrontation had escalated, and Weaver knew that this encounter would test their skills and resilience.

Without hesitation, Weaver sprang into action. Their movements were fluid and precise as they maneuvered around the room, gracefully dodging each attack. The rhythmic clashing of metal echoed through the air as Weaver engaged in a fierce dance with their adversaries.

Blackwell had underestimated Weaver's abilities, and now he was witnessing firsthand the formidable opponent they had become, so he did the only thing he thought he had left and flipped the switches of the busted down control panel before him.

The machine hummed with energy, its intricate mechanisms whirring with a sense of foreboding. Weaver recognized the noise of it turning on and realized that disabling it would be crucial. With a combination of acrobatic maneuvers and calculated strikes, they focused their efforts on disabling the machine's vital components.

The figure standing beside Blackwell, their greasy hair and tight goggles obscuring their face, lunged at Weaver with an unexpected ferocity and with eight robotic arms unfolding from his sides. The two engaged in a fierce hand-to-hand combat, though the man had overestimated his abilities as he was then flipped and smacked around like a limp doll while he still tried to make the metal tentacles reach over to the Weaver with very little success.

Their focus unyielding, Weaver easily gained the upper hand. With a swift and well-timed strike, they incapacitated the figure, leaving them sprawled on the ground, defeated. Weaver's gaze then turned towards Blackwell, their eyes burning with a mix of anger and resolve.

"You've gone too far, Blackwell" Weaver declared, their voice filled with determination as they smirked down at the man "Your reign ends here. As well as your life"

"Do you have to be so threatening?" Nia asked Venom, their voices echoing at the same time as she did so.

"It's for a bigger effect so shut it" Venom responded, turning back to the large man now on the ground under him with a sickly sweet smile filled with jagged teeth.

Blackwell's twisted grin faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty. But just as quickly, his confidence returned, and he sneered at Weaver. Nia's ears quirked inside Venom as they both heard something, turning their head to see one of the tentacles of the man they had though to be knocked out flip the last switch.


Weaver's heart sank as they realized their miscalculation. The sudden realization that they had underestimated Blackwell's tenacity sent a surge of adrenaline through their veins. The flicker of uncertainty on Blackwell's face had been fleeting, overshadowed by his unwavering determination to achieve his sinister goals.

In the blink of an eye, the room came alive with a cacophony of beeping alarms and flashing lights. Weaver's eyes widened as they witnessed the activation of a hidden mechanism, triggered by that final switch. Panic surged within them as they comprehended the gravity of the situation.

The ground beneath them trembled, and the room began to shake violently. Metal groaned and wires sparked as the room transformed into a chaotic frenzy of destruction. Venom, sensing their partner's distress, reacted instinctively, wrapping its tendrils tightly around Nia, shielding them from falling debris.

Through the chaos and peril, they caught sight of Blackwell's mocking sneer, taunting them with his presumed victory.

"You know what..." the man's smirk flailed down as the large black body slammed onto the ground in front of him "...I did promise the police to take you to them but, we're hungry"

Their mouth opened wide as they held the man before them down with their black webs. Blackwell's screams echoed throughout the chambers the machine was still charging on, when a warping noise made Weaver close their mouth back up as a portal opened and a couple of people came out of it.

"Come on come on! Move it people!" the woman in the front shouted.

The other two people ran over to the now escaping man that Weaver had knocked unconscious before.

"Who the fuck are you people?" Nia and Venom asked, their chorused voices calling the attention of the spiders.

"You got him secured?" the black woman on a literal motorcycle told the others of her group "And turn that thing off"

"Oh well, I'll have to ask later" seeing as they were being ignored, Weaver continued with what they were about to do.

Blackwell was now trembling so hard that he could not even utter a single word.

"Wait. What...?" Weaver heard someone trying to stop them as they reopened their mouth as far as they could and lowered it over Blackwell's head "What the hell is she doing?!"

Here traumatising others and not giving a damn😋

Weaver heard several screams as their head fell over the man before her and as quick as a snake, their sharp teeth tore through Blackwell's neck, leaving behind a messy bloodied mess. There was a tug and Weaver was pulled away from the lifeless body making them skid on the floor.

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