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Nia wouldn't admit it out loud of course but the both of them were rather attractive.

"Nia" she heard a warning groan from Venom inside her.

"Yeah yeah" she rolled her eyes and took out one of her hands which had been stuffed into her pockets, holding it out for them to shake. The symbiote was extremely overprotective of her at most situations so she wasn't all that surprised at his reaction.

"I'm Nia, like the old man said" the boy smirked slightly at her words and then the two of them, well more like the blonde, presented themselves.

"I'm Gwanda and this is Hobart" she said, Nia not missing the boy stepping on the girl's foot "It's nice to meet you, Nia"

"Likewise" Nia forced another smile since she didn't like socialising "Watch my back Venom. They smell fishy"

"I don't like fish" the symbiote stated as he agreed with her.

As they followed her on their tour of the place, Nia couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about Gwanda and Hobart. Their actions and interactions seemed too calculated, and Nia had learned to trust her instincts. She had always been a loner, relying on her symbiote companion, Venom, for support and protection. Together, they formed a formidable team, each having their own strengths.

Nia glanced at her arms where Venom resided in her body, his black tendrils shifting restlessly within her, sensing her unease. The symbiote was attuned to her emotions, acting as a guardian and advisor. His overprotective nature often came in handy during dangerous situations.

"...and this is the photography room" she finished the tour with flourish of her hands.

"Nice" the boy, Hobart, uttered the only word the whole time and Nia had quickly found out he had a very pronounced British accent, something which she cursed herself for being attracted to.

"Thank you um...Nia" the blonde girl, Gwanda, said "We also had one more question if it wasn't too imposing"

"What is it?" Nia asked, more out of curiosity than agreement.

"Would you, like to have lunch with us? Our treat as a thank you for...the tour?" Gwanda seemed to doubt he own words as they left her mouth.

"Sure" Nia responded with a shrug of her shoulders "But you better make sure you have money on you. I eat a lot, just warning you"

"What are you doing?" Venom asked curiously.

"I'm going to find out exactly who they are". Nia told him "Plus I know you're hungry right now"

"Right. Right" the symbiote retreated into the back of her head once more as the two others led Nia out of the building.


Hobie and Gwen shared a subtle look as they let the girl, Nia, lead them to the closest Benny's. As soon as they were inside, the cashier greeted her as he recognised her.

"Nia! Que tal chica?" the older man at the counter said happily "The usual?"

"Yes please" Nia smiled honestly this time as she reached over to her usual table.

Hobie and Gwen sat down in front of her hesitantly while the male grabbed the menu from the counter to hide his face. There was a rather long silent pause as they waited for the food and server to get there. Once the man did, Gwen nearly gasped when she saw how much food they had brought to them as Hobie asked for his own food.


Nia dug into her food with a lot of gusto, ignoring the looks she was getting. She was used to them since she got a lot of food to compensate for having Venom inside her. She couldn't help it since the constant need for sustenance was a small price to pay for the extraordinary powers Nia possessed thanks to the symbiote. And though she attracted stares and occasional judgment from others, Nia had grown confident in her own skin.

"You sure can put that away luv" the male told her with a smirk, making Nia quirk an eyebrow at him and continue to ignore him. He seemed to thrive off of bothering others.

"So, Nia, do you enjoy the work you do at the...Daily Beugle?" Gwen asked her.

"Wfo fo mefn fe Dfaily Glofe?" Nia said as she tried to swallow the large bite of rice and bean burrito (Do you mean the Daily Globe?).

"Yeah sorry, the Daily Globe" Gwen correcte herself quickly, nearly flinching when she saw the look Nia sent her.

"It's fun. I've always liked this type of work so I do it" Nia shrugged as she went in for another bite of her food.

"Do you know someone called Eddie Brock?" Gwen said her.


Gwen and Hobie looked at each other over the menu that Hobie was still holding, which he still had over his face even if he had gotten his food now, when they saw how the girl froze at the question, stopping from chewing on her food.

"I do" the girl responded.

"And...do you know where he is?" Gwen panicked when she saw the shift in the other girl's attitude, as she placed down the last bite of her food left.

Hobie tensed as well, his eyes going from girl to girl as both spiders waited for the other girl's reaction. She stood from her place with a dark smile and went over the table to Gwen, making both spiders tense even further.

There was another silence as the cashier hurriedly went to the back of his store, not wanting to bother Nia as he she could do. Gwen could feel her heartbeat quicken under the woman's gaze making her slowly try and reach over to her web shooters, remembering with a silent curse that Hobie was the one who had them since she didn't have any pockets.

"He's dead. So if you think this is a funny joke, you should honestly stop" Nia's eyes went nearly entirely black for a second as she made Gwen uncomfortably lean away.

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